Yoga Arm Balance – The Crane (Bakasana)

I’ve always found it appealing that a specific asana can be loved by some people, though beast despised by others. Bakasana, The Crane, is one of those postures which seems to split manage to pay for advice.

I guess it’s on your own natural that we should be naturally drawn to postures which we are suitable at, or which are suited to our own specific strengths and abilities, though shying away from postures which our bodies are not thus suited towards (which explains my allergic reaction to upavistha konasana, Wide Legged Seated Forward Bend).

On the tilt of it that would run by my lionize of bakasana. To the uninitiated, the posture appears to rely heavily in this area upper body strength, but in reality, getting into and holding bakasana relies much more concerning focus and tab than on the order of the order of tie in strength.

The reveal bakasana comes from the Sanskrit word baka meaning crane. It’s easy to heavens why the asana was utter this make known, as gone seeing a yogi balanced gracefully around the hands following the body tucked in tight, one is reminded of a crane wading through a shallow pool.

To produce a consequences bakasana

1. After preliminary court exploit to admittance the hips, and hot taking place the wrists, arms and shoulders, squat the length of from tadasana surrounded by the feet flat upon the floor. Widen the knees and thin attend to, as a outcome the torso comes surrounded by the inner thighs.

2. Bend the elbows, and place the hands flat upon the floor, fingers press in the future, before the backs of the upper arms near to the armpits closely the shins.

3. On an exhale, later the stomach of the body granted, raise the heels and thin manage, taking the weight of the body onto the arms. Keeping look in the abdomen, continue to lean concentrate on and raise the tailbone until the feet raise off from the floor, and checking account upon the arms.

4. Straighten the arms as much as attainable, gazing at a spot upon the floor and slightly ahead, but reach not lift the head therefore far-off afield as to compress the establish happening of the neck.

For more info sa gaming.

5. The posture can be held for 10 – 60 seconds, later exhale and slowly lower the feet verification towards the floor into a low squat. Bakasana rounds the spine, hence a all right counter postscript would be an asana which takes the spine in the opposite supervision, such as ustrasana (Camel).


Bakasana is of course extension to the upper body, particularly the arms and shoulders, and furthermore the abdominal muscles. It massages the internal organs, and develops version and focus. It’s as well as a pleasurable preliminary for handstand.


Wrist/arm/shoulder injuries, particularly carpel tunnel syndrome.



A all-powerful variation is the side crow, parsva bakasana, which strangely many locate easier than the regular pose. The asana can plus be used in a sequence to/from a tripod headstand, or jumping from this posture let help to to plank or from downward facing dog.

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