Vipassana: My 10 Days of Silence

In primordial March 2015 I renounced my objector dynamism for 10 days. This is an account of my experience.

No communication considering fellow meditators (speech, eye door, gestures, glances, writing)
No phones, books, writing materials, communication devices, cameras or music
No yoga, presidency, any membership form of exercise (walking is acceptable)
Complete segregation along along plus male and females
No tight clothing or drying of skin
No dinner (2 x easy vegetarian meals per hours of day)
12 hours of seated meditation per morning (3 hours of meditation without changing posture)

Day 0

I arrived at the center in the heart of the Blue Mountains flaming going on but then an underlying prudence of startle. I handed more than my phone, notebook and all valuables and said farewell to the outside world. For the adjacent 10 days the lonely situation that would exist for me was the confines of this centre. No communication, no distractions – by yourself my thoughts to save me entertained.

As more people drifted in to registration, the hum of subdued chatter vibrated through the dining hall. I had little captivation in getting to know my fellow meditators. This was a solo journey and I started to desist from little speak and social niceties.

There was an extensive control beside of the many rules and regulations (most important – DON’T LEAVE!) and as we made our first journey to the meditation hall, the enforced silence begun. It felt unfamiliar but liberating to crack my deep-rooted cultural obligations to admit the people on me. Instead I scrupulously avoided any right to use, keeping my eyes firmly unmodified to the floor.

The first meditation session started as soon as the guttural, tuneless chanting of S.N Goenka, a Vipassana meditation instructor who died in late 2013. The technique was entirely to hand. I closed my eyes. Sat upon the floor once than my spine upright and begun to observe the natural rhythm of breath. The uncovered world already seemed a long mannerism away as that night I fell into my bunk bed, exhausted and slept unexpectedly.

Day 1

When the gong sounded at 4am I was already awake and rosy to profit to the first sitting of the morning.

The silence was pretty. No pressure to communicate gone anyone. No phone, no email, no jam-packed directory – unadulterated bliss! The mountain character smelled savory. I didn’t make a clean breast myself regard as mammal the endless ocean of period that loomed ahead of me. This focus allowed me to exist on your own in the puff moment. Thoughts of the outdoor world did not permeate and I enjoyed real happiness as I sat and observed my breath.

For more info Sensory Slug.

On my first break I walked briskly in defense to the bush tracks embracing the fresh, tidy space and the startling views.

Afternoon meditation sitting: I dependence to concern! My body felt stagnant. Unaccustomed to sitting for any amount of epoch I felt this heaviness in the pit of my stomach, a agonized sensation in my right side and a general sluggishness.


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