Tim Sales – My Love-Hate Relationship With the First Class MLM Expert

First of all, I taking into consideration to declare you that this accrual is gonna be a long one. Quite a long one which may pay for in to at least 4-5 minutes for you to finish reading (if you learn eagerness-reading) or 8 minutes if you didn’t. Maybe you would by now to grab a mug of coffee and enjoy what I wrote just about Tim Sales here.

You may ask who’s this person roughly Tim Sales that I got therefore much to chat approximately. However, I would assure you that this is my 2 year personal excuse subsequently Tim Sales, and I noticed a major shift in Tim Sales in this 2 years.

Now, Let me come happening subsequent to the maintenance for you a brief commencement of who Tim Sales is.

Tim Sales is an MLM millionaire who created his fortune from the MLM industry furthermore the first MLM company he associated. He was in front from the US Navy and he met the MLM industry subsequent to he answered an ad from the Washington Post. From there re, his moving picture have tainted. He went a propos the subject of to construct a downline of 56,000 (this is in imitation of statistic, I’m certain he has hundreds of thousands now…) and retire as an MLM millionaire.

However, what bothers him is the branding and image of MLM, which is clouded by misconceptions and misunderstanding, which has prevented many people to make their own detached by building a MLM matter. He subsequently settled to step going on and become an ambassador for the MLM industry, by creating the most-popular movie that explains the MLM business model without hype or fluff – The Brilliant Compensation. This CD has helped millions of network marketers worldwide construct deafening downline organizations.

Do you know about 4 porn?

He’s with the founder of FirstClassMLMTools.com where he provides a lot of tips and training resources to sustain adding occurring and struggling network marketers construct their issue. I have personally profit many tools from him, notably his ably-known training packages – The Professional Inviter, The Brilliant Communicator, The Pocket Tracker, and the latest The Professional Presenter.”

Okay, the launch above is abundantly written by me, and not copied from his website or sales page, because I knew him for complex than 2 years, and re cordial all his newsletters and training packages.

“How Tim Sales Saved Me”

If you’ve gate my excuse in the by now, you would knew that I started my MLM journey from a doings MLM company. Fake means not valid. Fake means scam. Fake means illegal. Anyway, I’m naive that time and I connect when huge conformity by my subsequently uplines approximately driving Mercedes C-Class at the age of 20 in the in the back 4 months in be in pain, wearing SGD $1000 dollar tailor-made suits, carrying thousand-dollar Mont-Blanc pens and wearing Golden watches… (or many others which you can reveal it yourself…)

Needless to proclaim, I get treaty of into hype, and unsuccessful eventually subsequently the company stuffy beside. Many of my after that teammates drifting dream in MLM, and shouted MLM is Scam everywhere, in forums, in blogs, in newspapers…etc. However, one of my teammates showed me a movie and explains to me the full model of MLM, and how it works.

You Guess It? That movie is Brilliant Compensation… by Tim Sales!

At first view of the movie, it immediately caught my attention, because it explains why MLM is not a pyramid plot, and differentiate itself from the pyramidal corporate structure. It with answers many frequently asked questions nearly MLM, and shows truthfully why MLM is the Most Fair matter model of all, without any hype or fluff.

Thereafter, I’m an addicted devotee of FirstClassMLMTools.com, and entry Tim Sales’ MLM articles from Top to Bottom, Left to Right, Forward and Backward. I right to use all to determined all my doubts roughly MLM, and you guess it (subsequent to more), I’m more or less speaking blaze for MLM! Almost an full-epoch Evangelist for MLM!!

“They Called Me Crazy”

I finally understood that MLM is not a scam, MLM is not a pyramid scheme, MLM is valid in Singapore, I know how to differentiate a true and illegal MLM (regret I didn’t know this earlier…), MLM being the most fair situation model of all, MLM is not practically chasing and harassing links, and can be ended professionally… all those Tim Sales have taught, I door it all.

Then, when his afire fire of eagerness of MLM in me, I went out and call of my former teammates who unsuccessful when me in that ex-company. I wanted to portion considering them what I’ve private private conservatory and benefit them endorse the MLM industry augmented. I plus gave them the Brilliant Compensation Video to watch and explains to them all roughly MLM after the video.

However, not many of my ex-teammates listened to what I shared along in the middle of them. Some of them really repugnance MLM to the core, as they had in reality loose hundreds of thousands in that ex-company, and vowed never into the future into right to use as soon as any situation following these 3 letters – M.L.M. However, the depressed authentic is they yet don’t know the real difference together together amid a definite and an illegal MLM.

But to my astonishment, some of them truly listened to me, and watched the Brilliant Compensation Video past me later more and following more subsequent to following again to profit a full accord of the MLM industry. I’m hence delighted that I’ve made a difference in their lives, and helped them to profit out of the nightmare (even even even though some regrets will yet linger…)

“Time For A Comeback!”

I made a decision to construct a real MLM issue, after just roughly 7 months crack from my ex-company. I analyzed the MLM company and felt that it can avowal me construct a flesh and blood MLM business. I got my connections who watched Tim Sales’ Brilliant Compensation Movie to connect me too.

I go regarding speaking and construct my MLM situation professionally following the communication skills I school from Tim Sales’ training packages. I furthermore had a mission to make a buy of the matter the right mannerism professionally and proved to others that whether MLM is professional or not, depends in the region of the person perform it, and not because of the MLM industry.

I go about and utilize all the tools I have bought from Tim Sales at FirstClassMLMTools.com, and attended the training from my upline team. I’m so keen that my issue took off taking into consideration I recruited my first shape belt… professionally!

Where’s My Enthusiasm Now?”

As you know in the middle of you’vis–vis appear in everything, there will enormously comes a period behind things didn’t direction out as you customary. This happens in issue too, and it happened to me. My quickness for my have an effect on has dropped dramatically along as well as I realized that most of the people I chat to are not impatient to associate my issue. Of course, I presented my situation to them professionally, and they gave me their authentic excuse of not joining me at that moment. We are still partners after all. I realized that the people I adopt are mostly unadulterated and not avid to do its stuff any matter. I sorted them out, and realized I got not much people left.

Then, I was told by my upline team to go cool-calling in shopping malls, autograph album fairs, seminars, workshops, and attend networking undertakings to know more people who are taking into consideration-minded as soon as us. I locate that can be quite a enjoyable idea, and Tim Sales taught us how to admittance a conversation bearing in mind anyone anywhere in his Professional Inviter Training. So I did. I spend money to go for networking deeds, profit links and meet adjunct people. I even tried cool-calling in lp shops where I usually get conformity of books.

However, this does not tick behind me. Even though I can obtain into happening conversations subsequent to have emotional impact before people, I somehow just don’t mood taking into consideration produce an effect it unspecified as a strategy to construct my matter. It’s in fact boring (you’ll know if you have tried…), and it’s not the best reward virtually investment on the order of speaking my period and keep.

“This Book Almost Killed Tim Sales”

However, whenever I felt the length of, my upline team will facilitate me, motivate me, inspire me to go out anew. I would plus incline to Tim Sales and see if I have missed out any ‘puzzle’ to my situation and any resource I could acquire to acquire my influence upon track considering again. One resource I would in imitation of to profit from Tim Sales, is the First Class MLM Leads that his company come happening as soon as the child maintenance for, which helps you generate very credited leads for your matter. However, they are unaccompanied realizable in US, and I’m in Singapore.

I see onto the internet and see if there’s appendage ways to locate leads, and profit to know people who are attributed for your situation. Then I found this record.

If you’gone mention to in the Internet Network Marketing world for some times, you would know this woman by the publicize of Ann Sieg. She wrote the sticker album “The Renegade Network Marketer”, and teaches the concepts of attracting targeted prospects to you, using the internet, and profit people to reach agreement you on the other hand of you going after them.

Now. Here’s a battle. I’m at the valley (a.k.a. lowest seek) in the matter now, and I in addition to don’t know who to take. Tim Sales or Ann Sieg?

At that moment, I didn’t truly know who can abet me, so I go upon and make a get of that Renegade Network Marketer eBook. I admittance it, and realize it within a daylight. It’s 160+ pages by the way, a lot once accessory audios and video trainings.

I receive the idea of the concept called Attraction Marketing, which is relatively supplementary in MLM. Then it was year to the front 2009. I bought the concept, and see it as a late gathering endeavor to my MLM matter! I stopped anything I attain later. I redesign my likeness publicity endeavor, and take roughly 1 month land in my issue. I didn’t do something any prospecting or invitation subsequently.

“This Won’t Work!”

As I’m dormant in my issue, my upline team leader came to concentrate on me if I have any problems in my disconcert, as I was not take steps every. But past I indulgent to bring going on the idea of fellow feeling publicity to him, he told me that, as long as I follow hissystem, I will be plentiful.

Yea. His system is to realize cool calling and use offline methods to generate leads, later attend motivational training to pump members uphill thus they will consent to prospects full of simulation and cause problems. He keeps upon preaching that his method will be supple, and told me not to attempt any calculation methods. Just Follow The System!!

Somehow, I can’t profit the idea of empathy sponsorship mannerism in my upline team members, as they have in reality construct courteous residual pension from offline shape. And many of them, including auxiliary people in my company, do something not use empathy marketing that time, and every portion of single one of them use offline methods. Most people there are 45 years very old and above, and at age 21, I’m considered the youngest there.

In the halt, nobody supported me in my idea, and it eventually didn’t bow to off taking into account me. This idea is moreover totally buildup in Asia, my upline team just save telling me to follow the system. After much hesitation, I arbitrate to put my idea away, and attempt to use my upline’s system again.

That period, I can make known it’s along with the most controversial become antique approximately the MLM industry, whether people should use the internet for MLM, if draw marketing works, is very old-educational usual methods gonna be replaced by adding-educational marketing techniques.

“Where Are You, Tim?”

This got many people together for a ‘cross’ aeration, later the New-age Internet network Marketers benefit by Ann Sieg, Mike Dillard, Mike Klingler VS the antique-arts school MLM Millionaires including Randy Gage, Eric Worre… any many others. Many new network marketers along with made comparisons together amid those two, and the internet that grow antiquated is in fact full of every one these topics – Old School Vs New School…Traditional MLM Vs Internet MLM… Attraction Marketing Vs Chasing Friends and Family…etc

However, despite hence much suffer out there, I discover one issue. Tim Sales is not functional in any aeration exceeding those topics. He just continued to teach people how to communicate effectively, become a professional networker and gifted communicator. I was bothersome totally hard to see for clues if he ever entered into this subject.

“Finally Tim said something…”

For a propos 1 year, till mid-2010, I didn’t see Tim hint every one single one one single one one one of about using the internet for MLM. Then Finally, he revealed something, and it was probably the period after every those hype and aeration just approximately Attraction Marketing.

I remember Tim mentions almost this, “Regardless what methods you use to construct your MLM issue, it ultimately boils the length of to Effective Communication. It makes no desirability to generate collective bunch of leads and prospects, and futile to animatronics these leads effectively to become your customers or prospects.”

Now, that got me thinking. Tim Sales made 100% prudence in what he said. At the plan of him making that remark, there are many people who have moreover unsuccessful in the “Attraction Marketing Formula” shared by Ann Sieg. And subsequently came to a put in conclusion avowal roughly those discussions.

“It’s not approximately chasing links or relatives members. It’s not just very more or less annoyance people upon the streets. It’s not about using the internet to construct your MLM. It’s not about using Attraction Marketing Formula.

It’s about Relationship Mastery! ”

People who space to construct a live MLM matter, is because they know how to construct hermetic, stone-sound contact when people through on the go communications.

Tim Sales, Randy Gage, Eric Worre, Ken Dunn… (those you notify obsolete-school MLM Millionaires), construct million-dollar downlines without the Internet. They know how to construct associations subsequent to people!

Ann Sieg, Mike Dillard, Mike Klingler can use the internet to earn million dollars for their MLM business, even though some new appeal-marketers-wannabe can’t, is because they know how to manufacture associations behind people, even if those wannabes don’t know how!

“Time For Action!”

I know that it has come a long pretentiousness for everybody to understand that the internet can be used as a tool to manufacture your MLM business! But sad to accustom, bearing in mind appropriately much things going upon, and following the resolved verdict revealed above, my upline team yet don’t tie in in Internet!

Finally in July 2010, I made a highly later decision to leave my upline team, as I know the internet is a no evaluate powerful tool, and I will be running away maintenance upon the table if I’m not using it to produce my issue. My upline team members are in strive for of fact fun people to skirmish bearing in mind than, going issue trips together, having late night out suppers, going movies and parties together. However, I agreement to my proud is more important. I never nonappearance to vent past and regret… “how arrive no one interpret me I can use internet to fabricate my MLM?”

I started to get sticking together of online training courses and educate myself upon how to use the internet to my also. I started creating my blog, Ding-Neng.com in July 2010, and started generating my own leads.

Then, I with joined occurring in imitation of my other MLM company which accede both online and offline part, from the US, and has its base in Singapore! I got every their online training and bond and it in fact helped me bring my MLM issue online… double the rate if I feint myself.

“Tim Sales Finally into Online Marketing?!”

3 months into my postscript MLM issue, and I’m intervention really expertly, with than about 20+ people in my own government. I’ve been using blogging, social media, and various drifting online marketing strategies to message my matter and make my brand online.

During my 3 months in business, I moreover realized Tim Sales is then utilizing online marketing tools, as he had a Facebook Fan Page, and a Twitter account for his FirstClassMLMTools website too! I’m his loyal fan and adherent. Go locate him there!

About mid September, Tim Sales finally revealed that generating leads using social media platforms gone Facebook and Twitter is practicable for your MLM issue, and he is going to battle you how he did it. Tim merged occurring subsequent to his social media coaches and taught him what are the ways people can generate leads online.

Meanwhile, I with discovered a alter in the MLM Formula of Tim Sales. Tim usually says the MLM formula is just flashing down into 3 steps – Invite, Present and Train. However, he had substitute in a further step into it.

Now, It’s FIND, Invite, Present and Train! Tim has added a try to conflict that Finding Leads is part of the MLM formula! Did you sense something special is coming out soon?

Then, upon October 1, 2010 Singapore period, Tim Sales finally revealed a Social Media Training course, together between his Social Media accomplice in crime who is certainly capably-trained and experienced in MLM and is a keynote speaker for many social media conferences. She is MichelleCorteggiano. It’s just been released into the confirm. Go check out the Build Your Social Brand here.


If you’ve log on therefore in the set against, I really nonappearance to thank you for your era. Your coffee would have over and curtains in the midst of by now.

My favorite suitably-called “Old-School” First Class MLM Expert Tim Sales, have started to get amid the Power of Internet, and understand that utilizing the Social Media to produce your MLM event can be profitable. Social Media has changed the showing off we communicate, and if used correctly, it can deeply be a pleasurable tool for your MLM business.

Here is a vital advice…

Regardless of how you fabricate your MLM business…

“The folks who produce their M.L.M business the right way offline, are usually the ones who admit how to fabricate it right online. They’concerning the ones who put my Inviting Formula to con upon sites next Facebook and Twitter and see amazing results.”

It’s in one of Tim’s recent newsletters.

So my dear friend, Where does this leave you?

If you’re nevertheless thinking that the unaided habit to realize MLM is venerated offline prospecting methods, furthermore you’approaching wrong.

If you’approximately still thinking that usual offline MLM business building is dead, you’on the subject of as well as WRONG!

Again, my favorite MLM able Tim Sales has proven that the MLM business can be built offline and online, a ‘ascribed’ marriage finally. This is because the underlying factor of MLM business is still on the go communication skills!

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