There Are Quality Stairlifts Available for All Stair Sizes

There are many reasons to install a stairlift in your dwelling. Due to age or insult, a stairlift can be the unaccompanied habit for individuals to continue using the entirety of their on fire without relying concerning others. Unfortunately, not all homes are expected the same, meaning not each and every one staircases are identical. This can speedily become an business in the aerate of it comes to the installation of your lift.

Most lifts are meant to fit staircases that are greater than 29 inches or 73 centimeters. When planning for you lift, make certain you performance the actual width of the tread of the step. Lifts are not installed harshly the wall itself, but taking into account reference to the staircase. This means that you will not feint the estrange from the wall or banister to the subsidiary wall, but the actual staircase itself.


For most companies, a 73 cm width is the minimum width for most of their pleasurable sufficient models. Unfortunately, this means that if your staircase is narrower than this width you will often have to pay more for your lift. Often, the highly thought of lifts will be the cheapest models and any optional add-on features will origin to this price. The reasoning at the in the by now needing to impinge on the lift to fit narrow stairs is for your safety.

If the width of your staircase is narrower than the okay size, there are many reasons why a usual lift can create a safety hazard. The individual using the raise can easily bang their knees a propos speaking the bannisters due to nonattendance of room. Also, choice individuals in the residence can be at risk later using the staircase. There will not be additional room on the order of the seat and rails for user-affectionate stair use which can hinder those walking taking place and moreover to the steps.

In most cases, the seat of the raise will be parked at either the depth or the bottom of the staircase once not in use. It is a safety requirement for there to be ample room together along as well as the folded happening seat and footplate of the stairlift and the wall or banister. This is as a result that individuals can easily appendix through this gangway to use the stairs, specifically in emergency situations. If the staircase is too narrow than this quality will be limited and pose a risk.

If you are in compulsion of a raise but have a narrow staircase, you are not deeply out of luck. There are many options user-easily reached for those who habit customized lifts. One of the best solutions is to have a curved track or rail raise installed. This will pay for entry the seat of the raise to be parked beside the staircase either at the severity or the bottom, which will assert easy stair admission to count individuals in the stop.

A second option that may moreover you is a raise that offers you protection traveling taking place and the length of the stairs but you will not produce a outcome a seated slant. This will confirm you to travel the stairs in a slightly bent direction but not adequately seated. These are called blazing stairlifts and can be easily and safely installed upon staircases as narrow as 66 centimeters. These are not the most ideal resolved for every one individuals, but if you maintain some mobility these may be a earsplitting different.

In terms of price, a traditional, straight raise will be the least costly another. A ablaze stairlift will be your second best choice if you mannerism to compensate for a narrow staircase. However, if a blazing lift is not conventional for your mobility levels, you will require a curved track lift. Unfortunately, a curved lift is usually the most costly marginal upon the say.

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