The Promise – Workplace Health & Safety

A Health & Safety (H&S) policy is a written arrangement of the Business Owners and the Senior Management to offer a healthy and safe workplace. The starting reduction, the coming on of Health and Safety in the workplace.

Many Occupational Health & Safety Regulations require that policy is developed, all workers are au fait of and be trained on the order of the policy (document, document, document). The policy is posted in the workplace, reviewed at least annually and a program is developed and maintained to take happening the policy. This confirmation provides the regulatory requirement for a Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) in the workplace. Check your local regulatory requirements. We will review the Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) requirements in additional detail highly developed in this article.

Policy Examples

A fast Google search can present thousands of examples of Workplace Health & Safety policies to make a come by of your hands on some suggestions to begin yours. Please note that this exercise is to view every second policies and commitments – We should not just Copy, Cut and Paste. That said, keep amused search Google for these three policies to view a variety of policies. (Not allowed to have cronies in this article – sorry)

Bruce Power (Nuclear Power Company) Occupational Health & Safety Policy

Shell (Oil & Gas Company) Health, Safety & Environment

IHC (Advocates and Support Services) Health & Safety Policy Statement

You will statement that these policies from Companies all greater than the world and vastly every second sizes and sectors, but they reach have many same sections.

Commitment: To come occurring subsequently the maintenance for a healthy and secure workplace for everyone their workers, contractors, and visitors. Meet or exceed the definite requirements.

The Goal: To eliminate all injuries and disease towards zero foul language or insulted attainable.

Responsibility: Management has trendy their responsibility to offer a healthy and fasten workplace. Define that safety is everyone’s liability – all employees

The excuse for the similarities is due in share by most of these sections creature defined in the various regulations and international standards. Do you know about elbam?

ISO Standard 45001

One of the international standards that will backing adding happening workplace health & safety is the unconventional ISO (International Standards Organization) 45001. Here is a section taken from the draft sociable passable upon the subject of Health and Safety Policies.


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