The Fish We Cook, Walleye, Sauger


Because of its cordial taste, the walleye is a enormously expertly-liked fish for both sportsmen and public pronouncement fisheries. Although it is usually called walleye pike, the walleye is not a campaign of the pike relatives but is actually a fanatic of the freshwater burning relatives. It is most dexterously-liked in the utter lakes of north central United States and is most abundant in Minnesota and Wisconsin. In alternating areas of the country it can be found out cold roughly 60 vary names including such as dore, marble eye, pike burning and orangey pike. The walleye gets its declare from its large eyes which have a special joined that enables them to see utterly skillfully in low open conditions. It is the own taking place fish of Minnesota, South Dakota and Vermont. It was along with avowed the qualified fish of Saskatchewan. The walleye has an olive-brown color behind mottled brassy specks and a golden hue regarding the sides. It has a large mouth once many enormously brilliant teeth. It averages 1 to 3 pounds but can grow to 22 pounds and 36 inches in length. It is a mild flavored fish and is low in fat. The best showing off to chef walleye is to pan fry, deep fry, scuffle, bake or saut.


The sauger is a follower of the freshwater on fire intimates and is neighboring to similar to the walleye pike in both taste and vent. Often mistaken for a walleye, the sauger has spots a propos its dorsal fin where the walleye does not. It is found in the eastern half of the United States in shallow lakes and large rivers and is most competently-liked in the Mississippi river valley and the pleasant lakes region. Saugers are more abundant in rivers where walleye is found mostly in lakes and reservoirs. It is a migratory fish and prefers warmer water than its cousin the walleye. The sauger is a small fish averaging less than 1 pound and from 12 to 14 inches in length. It has a brownish urge harshly speaking, darker than the walleye, once a white front that has 4 dark vertical bars regarding its side. In every option areas it has many varied names which garnish gray pike, pike burning, pickerel, pickering, rattlesnake pike, sand pike and jack salmon. The sauger has a flakey flesh that is serene in feel and low in fat. The best way to chef sauger is to Deep fry, Oven fry, pan fry, bake, scuffle or saut.

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