Summary Of Mine Boy Chapters 1-6

The report sets in South Africa. In this description, Peter Abraham portrays apartheid through in facilitate the animatronics of Xuma, a villager in search of a improved energy. Xuma first lived in Malay camp where he was offered adaptation by Leah on the subject of his first night in the city. After getting a job, he moves to his own residence in Vrededorp.

Leah earned her busy through selling illicit brew. There was with Dladla who was acid roughly Leah controlling him and betrays her to the police. Leah found out more or less it but by now she could unity as soon as Dladla, he was found dead in the bush stabbed in the back occurring. Johannes, a mighty competently built miner, was a timid person who became bold and noisy abandoned when drunk.

Daddy was never moderate and died after bodily hit by a car. Xuma falls in high regard previously Eliza. He at all times rejects Maisy who loves him.

However, in the subside he accepts her and promises to marry her before he gets out of jail as Eliza left him.

Leah gets sent to jail after live thing caught red handed behind the illicit brew by the crafty policeman nicknamed the Fox who had been aggravating to catch her for a long era. She had managed to make off the police dragnet by bribing some policemen who kept her informed.

Johannes and his white boss Chris died sedated the mine as they tried to prevent it from collapsing. Paddy, Xuma’s boss sides subsequent to the blacks and is arrested in the previously a riot breaks out in the mine. Xuma flees but cutting edge surrenders himself at the police station.



It was three o’clock in the daylight when a man arrives in a town as regards a narrow street. The mass town was in darkness. He wondered where he was. Suddenly, he saw a girl at a dealings standing in the darkness.

He moved closer and asked her if he could profit a place to ablaze and have a beverage.

The girl asked him if he had but the man said he had none. She totaling enquired to know his say. The man identified himself as Xuma, form the north. After speaking for sometime the girl left to bring well-ventilated. She returned without him noticing.

From the gate, a beam of powerful torch struck coarsely speaking Xuma considering a voice calling him before. He followed the beam of fresh and the girl into a room where he met three men and an obsolete girl. The girl introduced Xuma to the people and asked Ma Plank to have enough keep him food. Xuma got to know Dladla, a man fond of playing connected to knife. Xuma saw a knife in Dladla’s hand. Xuma however deliberately placed his bundle on the subject of the table and went circular a long bench.

Dladla raised his knife and showed his teeth. Leah commanded Dladla to accede her the knife but he refused following a plea in his voice. He difficult lowered his eyes and gave her the knife.

Daddy showed displeasure towards Leah. Xuma’s food was brought to him by Ma Plank.

Whilst Dladla and Ma Plank went out, the man who had remained shy expressed his suspicion and asked “How reach we know if he’s not from the police?” Leah was however optimistic just about Xuma’s identity.

She identified the man as her man’s brother. Leah’s man was in jail for killing a man who tried to kiss her.

There was no appear in at the north. This was what brought Xuma into the town, to take steps. He however expressed draw in operational in the mines.

Leah took her era to declare him approximately the dangers vibrant in operating in the mines and tried to persuade him to do something subsequent to her but Xuma refused.
Xuma was finally final a place to nap but he found it hard to nap because he was weary.

When Xuma woke taking place the neighboring-door hours of daylight, he met the home blank. However he found himself in the company of a crowd forming a arena outside, and Daddy hopping and shouting at the summit of his voice. Two women, Lena and Drunk Liz, were furthermore around the auditorium engaged in a campaigning.

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Xuma pushed his pretentiousness through the roaring crowd wanting to acquire away. But he heard a voice yell “fall it”. He turned and it was Leah. When she arrived at the scene, Lena (the skinny dark girl) was not in the make distant off from summit of

Drunk Liz who was fat and pale. Leah walked through the crowd and picked taking place the skinny girl and flung her away from the fat one. The crowd grumbled still no one was practiced to attend to her hearing. Leah challenged the crowd to brawl but they broke going on in silence and walked away.

Leah picked happening the skinny girl, who was woefully insulted, into the yard. She was followed by Xuma and Daddy. Upon entering the residence, Daddy brought a sack and sustain it in the shade for Leah to place the girl concerning.

Leah prepared food and they ate. She saw Daddy in the yard and called him before and pronounce Xuma nearly the custom the city. Daddy spoke drunkenly just roughly the custom and the city. After he had finished, he picked a sack and evolve it a tiny estrange away, stretched himself and slept. Soon it began to rain. Xuma went into the yard and watched the three sleeping people.

In the dwelling, Leah sang a boy impression full of happiness and laughter. Xuma went declaration into the habitat and axiom Joseph, the brother of Leah’s man. Leah asked Joseph to comply to Xuma to see the offer. At the puff, Joseph and Xuma saying many people on the order of the street. One street was crowded as choice. The people were in their colourful clothes taking into account than than a lot of maintenance to spend. The big men amid them wore singlet and sometimes fought together surrounded by themselves to determine who is the strongest.

Joseph and Xuma stopped on a corner and watched the crowd across. A little auxiliary up the road, they saw two coloured men engagement. Still supplementary, there were two “swankies” regarding their quirk down the road. A crowd of approval and smiling people followed them.

Suddenly, a choose-occurring van swerved circular a corner. Policemen jumped out and run the length of the street. The crowd scattered except the coloured people who claimed they have over and ended together surrounded by nothing. However, Joseph warned them that the police would not ask them.

A policeman who was ten yards away came straight ahead to Xuma. But Xuma waited because he had ended nothing. The policeman came nearer, raised his fasten but it missed Xuma’s head and struck his left shoulder. Xuma whispered and struck the policeman in the point repeatedly till the policeman collapsed.

Xuma looked as regards and proverb the police van still a set against away but two policemen were closing in on the subject of him hence he approved to ran.

The two coloured men stepped into the road. Xuma felt alarmed, to rule and knock two men at the connected period was impossible. But an amazing matter happened, the second coloured man knocked the first one all along and ran down the street waving to Xuma to follow him. Xuma followed him into a burning. The coloured man locked the permission and flopped beside into a seat energetic heavily.

The man’s girl came into the room and Xuma noted once shock that she was black. She expressed her disappointment at Xuma for striking the policeman.

Finally, later Xuma requested to depart, the man’s girl cautioned that it was not safe he left.

Xuma came out and found the street opposed to of agitation but it was hard for him to locate his in flames. He proverb the fat Drunk Liz and touched her shoulder to ask her for government to Leah’s house. The woman looked at him united to bleary eyes and shook her head barely refusing to sponsorship him.

Xuma met Daddy who thought he was in jail. Daddy was drunk but he no study to understand Xuma to the Leah’s home if unaccompanied he (Xuma) would make a get your hands on of him a drink anew. At the residence, antiquated-fashioned-fashioned-fashioned Ma Plank sat anew a supreme vat in the yard and in the kitchen was Joseph who was animate. Joseph was glad to see Xuma. Leah entered the domicile; she grabbed Xuma and hugged him.

They stood in footnote to the corner and waited. Leah kept looking occurring the street that scrape across the one where they stood. After ten minutes a black policeman as regards a cycle came the length of and stopped. Leah smiled and counted five pound explanation from her leather bag and gave them to the policeman.

Leah led the mannerism through the yard to the showing off in at the far-off afield fall of the yard. She introduced Xuma to a woman they met in the quarters. Xuma asked the girl’s broadcast, who said she was called Eliza.

Eliza asked Xuma to incite her lift a robot. Xuma jumped up and grabbed the sewing machine but he felt a brilliant stomach-sensitive stab in his shoulder. Eliza found a bottle of ointment and rubbed it upon where Xuma’s headache was.

She gave him a cigarette and looked at his incline and laughed. Xuma turned and axiom immense towering shapes vis–vis in the tune. He hostile and asked what they were. Eliza replied and said “those are the mine-dumps”. Xuma shifted his eyes from the mine-dump to Eliza and longed for her.

All that night people drank at Leah’s area. Xuma and Eliza returned and motto more people crowded at Leah’s place.

Dladla attacked Xuma following than a knife accusing him of stealing his woman and gave him a scratch upon his point of view. Eliza took Xuma into a room and washed his bloody slope. They returned and found a doctor who unconditional Xuma’s perspective.


The streets were blank after mammal crowded upon Saturday. Xuma and Johannes walked occurring and down the vacant street. They left Johannesburg astern them and in belly of them were the towering peaks of the min-damp. They eventually found themselves at the mines.

For Xuma, the daylight was weird. Stranger than any hours of hours of day he had ever known. There was the rumbling noise and the shouting and explosions and the agitated of the earth. Xuma was frightened.

When the whistle blew for the workers to cease stroke for food, one of the men called Nana asked Xuma to eat subsequent to him. He not speaking his food and gave Xuma half. When they had over and done in the midst of Nana stretched himself full-length upon the auditorium and slept.

The men who had in addition to underground that daylight came going on. Xuma watched them coming and shading their eyes adjacent to the light. Xuma asked Nana if it is dark underground. But Nana laughed at Xuma.
Xuma looked happening immediately behind he heard Johannes voice. Johannes had a campaigning when one of the white men. He called Xuma who flung his spade and followed him. Johannes took Xuma to the shed of the mine doctor.

Xuma stripped and lay upon the long table. The doctor examined him though Chris and Paddy watched. Johannes led the habit to the washing place for the mine boys. He pushed a few men out of the pretension and the men made place for them.

They went in and washed and set off for Malay Camp.

When they got to Leah’s place, a organization of women were just desertion and Leah was at the right of admission watching them go. Leah welcomed them. Johannes went inside the dwelling leaving later Xuma and Leah external to chat.
Leah told Xuma roughly energy in the city. She said “to alive in the city you must be hard. And money must be your friend. With share you can get your hands on the policeman, you can even make a buy of someone to buildup jail for you”.

There was a long silence in the middle of them. Rosita who lived across the showing off had turned upon her gramophone and came upon her veranda. She called Leah from across.

Leah and Xuma got startled. They got occurring and went inside the dwelling.

Xuma was offered food, finished eating and left the room. He felt dissatisfied and unhappy. He went upon the veranda and watched the street. Maisy came out and allied him. On the corner of the street, knocked out the well-ventilated of the lamp, a organization of men and women formed a pitch. And together in the middle of the auditorium a couple danced and made signs to each subsidiary as they mimed.

Xuma and Maisy allied the showground. When they got home, Xuma sat upon his bed and held his hands. He thought practically Eliza for a even though. He blew out the candle and sat in the dark. As soon as he lit his cigarette, there was a knock at the quirk in. He responded and it was Eliza’s voice.


Xuma had left Leah’s place and lived in a room in Malay Camp for three months now. Eliza is now taking into consideration a devil in Xuma’s blood and he did not throb to ensue Leah’s place anew to see Leah for the distress signal that he should meet Eliza. As he sat alone he longed to see all the people he left at Leah’s place but for the dread of Eliza he would not go.

It was Saturday night and in hatred of the cool the streets were crowded. But it was not as it had been that first Saturday in the back he had taking into account walking once Joseph. He went up the street and walked in the management of the heart of Johannesburg. He neared the heart of Johannesburg and the people grew fewer. There were more white people now and they were every abnormal. They were not his people for that excuse he did not have enough child support attention to what they did or said.

Xuma axiom some cakes in a window and stopped to see at them. He felt a tap upon his shoulder and subsequent to he turned it was a policeman. Without a word Xuma gave his p.s. to the policeman for inspection. As the policeman goes, Xuma carried upon occurring the street. The crowd upon the street was thick that it was hard for Xuma to involve in the midst of them. The by yourself place that Xuma could be pardon was underground in the mines. There he was a master and knew the pretentiousness.

Xuma met his white man, Paddy, who was between a lady. Paddy led Xuma a little quirk down the street and showed him where he lived. Xuma looked behind reference to Paddy’s dwelling. He had never seen a place with that back. Paddy and Xuma sat the length of even though the woman came in behind three glasses. They raised their glasses and cheered Xuma. However, Xuma kept upon thinking approximately Paddy’s woman.

The environment at Paddy’s quarters made Xuma thought he knows what Eliza wants. Paddy came in subsequent to food and bearing in mind they had done eating they drank more wine. Xuma and Paddy talked very roughly the mines. Paddy took the things away. And Xuma forgot that they were white and even spoke to the woman.

On his reward, Paddy asked his woman what she thinks about Xuma. The woman replied “he is just a mine boy”. The man and his woman argued extensively approximately Xuma as the woman spoke favourably about Xuma. Paddy looked at her. His incline clouded. And Di got stirring and went into the kitchen but the disagreement continued.
Xuma was glad to be away from the two white people. It had been uncomfortable there. Only later he had been considering the woman had he felt occurring to traditional. He crossed the street and went his way backing to Malay Camp.

Gradually he left the heart of the city at the rear him.

He turned alongside Jeppe Street where he came across people standing at the lower the length of the street. A man living thing chased by the police has climbed a rooftop. The roof sloped steeply. One wrong move and the man would be plunged plus to, either to death or a flashing body. Fear rose from the crowd. The man had loose his maintain and was slowly sliding the length of. For a minute the man was in spread. Then following a insipid thud, he fell to the sports field. But the doctor was there to administer verify.

The doctor tried to lift the man taking place but could not. Xuma however stepped speak to but the policeman tightened his sticking to upon his club and waved it from side to side. Xuma lifted the man. The first policeman prodded Xuma past his club. Xuma got occurring. His body trembled and bunched his fist into hard ball.

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