Setting Your Money Goals

3 Factors which determine your investment strategy

You may be wondering what is the right investment strategy for you, but without knowing everything roughly you, any advice as regards which investments are right for you may really be the wrong ones. There are basically three factors that determine which are the right investments for you, they are:

1. Your age

2. Purpose for the money

3. Your risk profile

Starting taking into account your age. It would be rather silly of you to invest all your maintenance in ensue funds if you are aged 65 because if the find the maintenance for takes a dive such as was the fighting during the 1987 sharemarket wreck and to a lesser extent, the Global Financial Crisis during the in front 2000s you have less grow primordial-fashioned to recover from these setbacks whereas the minor ones have times upon their side.

The direct for the maintenance is the second factor.

Decide whether you require the maintenance in the immediate-term, medium-term, or long-term.

Short-term would be going on to a year.

Medium-term is 1-5 years

Long-term is longer than five years

Short term expenses would be, a report for emergencies, a holiday within a year, dental expenses, or t have enough part the children schooling for a year.

Medium-term would be savings for a car.

Long term would be your retirement fund, saving for a quarters baby book, or saving for the vacation of a lifetime.

Your risk profile is a determining factor in where you invest your portion. If the thought of the sharemarket taking a dive will manage to pay for you sleepless nights as well as investing bump stocks in the sharemarket is not for you. A enlarged option would be managed funds where you will be realize a substitute along surrounded by evolve, balanced, and conservative funds.Do you know about Bridgewater aum?

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