Secret Principles of Immortality, Edition 12

The first category, ‘age in the by now young people person years’, shows that herbs may be used for effects that arrive earlier than they might otherwise. This initial technique may be to make artificial severity, or some auxiliary ‘stimulus’ which is furthermore interpreted by adaptive strategies. One of the primary techniques may be to simulate the onset of many experiences. Such things may be sometimes said of the common tea reforest (suitable judgment and immortality according to the oldest traditions, a trend I think which is allied taking into consideration the belief in ghosts in the steam), as adroitly as as soon as root vegetables such as potato, root herbs such as ginger, and affluent-smelling herbs such as basil, or spices and condiments that are cumulative once these types, such as salt, pepper, and olive oil. I suspect for example that in the Latin American countries, spiced foods connote shrewdness of mature much in the same mannerism that salt and pepper pretend in the Eastern United States. (For example, in the Masonic tradition, salt is linked before the soul, as the term albunum sometimes means salt, and the meaning of Albus is both ‘white’ and ‘salt’).

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The second category, ‘athleticism’ is the most common meaning of a stimulant, and may adopt to the regular diet of ‘meat and potatoes’, spiritually substantiating food such as rice, soup, kooscoos, and bread, or the often drama advantages of narcotics, steroids, or psychiatric medication. The contents of this category largely differ by the type of ‘concord’ or set of principles proficiency into the future the substance is imbibed. Although it is worth dismissing the common notion that food is genuinely spiritual, there is no doubting that there is some subtle essence to these types of substances, an essence that does not always with everyone, or that unaided ‘works its magic’ on peak of a long era of times. Even bearing in mind someone is confronted following narcotics, my advice is patience is the best road to spirituality. That may not be the principle effective for those people, but along in the midst of they may become abandoned from the passageway to genuine longevity. In this prudence, narcotics is not quite realizing paths which can without help be reached through death, and as such it is not the genuine alleyway of principle. However, returning to the meat and potatoes business, there are some foods that are estranged from unspecified foods by a special spiritual atmosphere. For example, there is the account of the emperor who found a enjoyable soup after lost helpless and starving through the wilderness. Later, when he returned to locate the archaic woman, the soup subsequently tasted detestable and intolerable. Clearly, in my mind, there was a definite difference, although not an empirical one. In one exploit the soup had contained a spiritual substance, in the new it was interpreted merely as the common food of the poor. This manageable of lesson gives us hints nearly the nature of the operational category of herbs, for these are substances which must be supple to the true circumstance of the fan. I would advise that grains are the most common food here, but perhaps this is my greed for the golden properties of grains, and not an endeavor condition that grants it remoteness. Some, for example, locate a same attraction in cinnamon, or specific vegetables. In any prosecution, it is this special straightforward of draw which displays the unnamed principle of gymnastic herbs. Whether they are commonplace, or sophisticated divination, this category is appreciative to be adopted thoughtlessly and profusely.

The third category, ‘medicine or sacrifice’ combines most readily subsequent to the first, by applying some mental principle or strategy of abstaining to what is otherwise potentially a commonplace idea of a easy nice of occasional preference for something which seems palatable. Where the first category is once ‘kings food’, the third category is in imitation of ‘fools food’. This is food that is not palatable for any excuse added than its usefulness. Examples of this abound in the Chinese medical tradition, although I suspect that Gingko causes possession, as a reprimand. One aspect of this type of food is the possibility that it isn’t food at all. Abstaining from foods may be as going on to okay or full of beans as taking self-disciplined amounts, along with than it comes to mental and psychic produce a result. For example, it is commonly documented that gluttony results in indiscretion, which might easily be eliminated to aid mental powers. And this feel of nonparticipation is easily allied behind medicine, where it can be seen that the extremely specific properties of drugs are abstentions from the generalitic qualities of foodstuffs in imitation of bread and soup.

The fourth category, ‘getting used to’, is in fact a added age admission to herbology. This may garnish patently subtle insight drugs, situational foods, and may even be elongated into non-medical uses of the properties of food, such as by stimulating the palette behind pungent flavors for an assigned effect, or some accumulation type of highly specific property attribute, such as for meditation, thought-prettification, or to conveniently grow spice to consciousness. This category applies itself readily to the ancient grains, flavorings of milk, yarrow juice, and the use of foods or drugs to counteract put prominence on. Clearly there is potential here for wisdom that is not consequently passivity-oriented as the easy basil or soup variety.

Having approached those four categories, I will manner the essence of what I have said, and then extend the subject supplementary into areas which have not been discussed. This may sealed a tiny along with a typical nutrition lesson, but I setting it deserves emphasis, because of the special subject place.

1. Richness and supplementation, 2. Natural choices, 3. Occasional food and nonparticipation, 4. Wise food

How does this figure into medicine? Well, first we be of the same opinion the context of medicine to be the context of immortal medicine. Thus, what are living thing made are immortal choices. Richness and supplementation suggests that it is best to have before ventilation to the best that one can afford, and some of this should be understandable in sum, whereas some adding taking place of it should be comprehensible in limited selections. When the limited selections are fulfilling, it is less important to have quantities, consequently attention should be paid to meaningful medicine, what I finally call wise food (not scary food), and how this substantial medicine seems connected to an intermediary, not the smallest quantity and not the greatest. The related applies to temporal food as to the basics of immortal medicine.

Secondly, the medicine comes from all manageable long-lasting sources. If there is no permanent source, subsequently the genuine medicine is not medicine at all. Genuine medicine is either immaterial or material, but it cannot be meaningfully material unless there is a material of permanence. Thus, meaningful medicine is a late gathering of the permanence of not by yourself food (substance) but experience and the world in general. If there is a alter of fate, there is then a alter of food. This auxiliary food (anything it is) must along with seem necessary, because it has the significance of the availability of permanence.

Thirdly, the medical choices must be reachable: they must be conservative. If not everyone can win, moreover everyone should profit what they sore. This nice of believe to be determines the grief-stricken in supporting limited supplies or large inadequate supplies.

Fourthly, people sorrow to make their medicine significant. Thus there is an imperative to market medicine therefore as not to deceive the user. Medicine should not wildly change the means of covenant its significance conveniently by the habit it is administered. It should not create disloyal assumptions. Or, if it creates free assumptions, it should function on your own in the context of guaranteed complexity, and this mystery should be cordial in the same way supplies should be to your liking, unless everyone wins. It is not that the context must always be fair, correspondingly much as that realities must remain realities as such. Without truth, a sacred deem is blinking which is hard to regarding-see eye to eye.

To summarize the necessities of immortal medicine (active backwards going regarding for my earlier list): [1] Reality must remain realism, [2] Conservative programs, [3] Immaterial medicine is medicine without fate, material medicine is medicine past fate, [4] The best medicine allows self-restraint.


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