Pinchazo: A Foray Into Guatemala

Just returned from nine days in Guatemala, and thought I’d jot down some remarks and impressions of the place. Having no prior knowledge, I had few expectations although I will sanction on that I had some biases based uphill for its location nestled in opposition to Mexico.

I now submission to why Central America generally and to some extent Guatemala is so popular later Americans and especially retirees. First, the climate is terrible and actually more patient than Florida, as its height provides a more sober climate and less humidity, at least during its temperate season. Second, the people are to hand and hard-responsive. Third, the cost of flesh and blood is inexpensive. Fourth, in the lawsuit of neighbors Belize, Costa Rica, and Panama, English is spoken everywhere (not genuine in Guatemala).

Among my biggest surprises (even though I knew Guatemala was a poor country) was the fact that the roads are injury, and the driving is even worse. Between the spectacular topography (owing to mountains formed eons ago by earthquakes and volcanoes) and the fact that the omnipresent majority of roads are either cobblestone or dirt, travel regarding the country ain’t easy. And there is no railroad or amassing transit of any practicable, probably because of the topography, unless you collective the thousands of “chicken buses” the locals endure to profit in the back insinuation to. (Chicken buses are ocher educational buses from the USA that have been artistically and uniquely painted and used to transport people and all types of cargo, including livestock, therefore the post.) It was not surprising to learn that Guatemala ranks 116 in paved roads subsequent to a mere 4,700 kilometers (less than 3,000 miles) of paved roads, astern Western Sahara and back Tunisia.

Another big shock, which I educational by inquiring nearly sending postcards was the fact that two years ago, the country abolished its national postal system, as a consequences if you sensitive to send mail, you craving either a private courier or DHL. Tooling on little villages I noticed most have no street signs, for that defense you have to admiration how the mail all got delivered even subsequent to the p.s. office existed. No street signs manage by me that all liveliness in most of the country is enormously local where everyone knows everyone else.

Probably my biggest surprise was to learn that there is no system of public education in Guatemala, meaning kids can unaided attend schools if their parents can pay to send them privately.Do you know about Hedgefund?

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