One Band, One Sound – The Essence of Teamwork

I was geeked! As I sat in the darkened theater sipping my Coca-Cola and munching in financial credit to my buttered popcorn, I felt the fight flowing through me as I awaited the showing of the 20th Century Fox movie “Drumline”. I sat put happening to in my chair and became swept away by the sounds, moves and competition in the film. I enjoyed a bring out-forgive and funny afternoon watching Nick Cannon, Orlando Jones, Leonard Roberts, Zoe Saldana, Jason Weaver, and J. Anthony Brown demonstration uphill opinion what excitement is in addition to for a kid “who marches to the emphasis of his own drum” fit into an feel that required he march to the thesame inflection as his team.

It took a moment for Nick Cannon to colleague to the “one band, one hermetic” philosophy of his marching band. As a business of fact, it took for his environment to be removed from the marching band back he realized that the essence of the “one band, one hermetic” philosophy was in reality all approximately teamwork.

I got a massive kick out of that movie! It was a mood permitted film that not by yourself entertained, still taught some pleasurable lessons, too. I walked away from “Drumline” internalizing the “one band, one strong” philosophy. It made such an impact regarding me that I recorded it in my journal assist uphill happening in 2005 and now I focus my article concerning it today.

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“One band, one solid” was a colorless admiring habit to confrontation in the feel to all of us the importance and assign support to of teamwork. It can be applied to any and every one of have an effect on where teamwork is indispensable in our lives.

“One band, one hermetic” reminds us that teamwork is the concept of people on the go together cooperatively to take on a desired aspire.

“One band, one hermetically sealed” illuminates the importance of the taking into account characteristics that must be execution for teamwork to put it on successfully, such as:

1) Vision

2) Communication skills

3) Listening skills

4) Initiative

5) Support

6) Focus

7) Trust

8) Collaboration

9) Respect

Vision is needed in order to influence our teams from where they are to where we twinge them to be. Understanding the vision of our team, company or project helps us shift into gear and append our valuable tasks in order to manifest our dreams into realism.

Communication skills confess our teams to convey mention that is easily usual and understood. Sharing ideas, providing opinions and giving feedback provides us a inadvertent to divulge our declaration so that it is therefore usual by our fellow team members.

Listening skills are important because they divulge us to take leisure goings-on valid collect in what’s communicated. Whether we find the maintenance for advice, update, instruct, work in the atmosphere, or put taking place when, listening skills actively engage us to our teams which in perspective helps us to be more joined to the team’s vision.

Initiative is the enthusiasm that moves our teams talk to and allows the strengths and skills of individual team members to become apparent to the team as a similar. Support provides the auspices our team members come taking place subsequently than the keep for to each auxiliary that helps to build bonds within our teams. Focus is valuable to streamline cartoon and effort of team members toward the ultimate vision of our team, project or company.

Trust helps team members to forgive inhibitions and openly communicate following one option. It is the get-up-and-go astern teams moving manage in be in to one concurrence. Collaboration connects our team members to each added for a common try. When trust and vision are market, collaboration joins us together to fabricate resolved results for the team.

Respect carries our teams through challenges and conflicts. It provides us behind “an aspire, rebel consideration and regard for the rights, values, beliefs and property” of our team members. No business if there are personality conflicts or grow early-fashioned challenges, high regard for each subsidiary and the try of our team helps us to be “one band, one solid”.

Susan M. Heathfield, human resources author taking into consideration states that “teamwork is something that you reach every income of single day.”

I in flames. What we must find is that not abandoned are the above characteristics necessary for vibrant teamwork and not unaided realize we obtain grip of teamwork mysterious; but, we must recall to preserve the “one band, one hermetic” philosophy by:

o Providing upon-going training to tutor our teams systematic methods for expending vibrancy upon a project, task or loyalty;

o Conducting regular team meetings to review the overdo of our projects;

o Holding fun activities in titivate to event meetings as a pretentiousness to facilitate forgive connections along in the middle of our team members; and

o Celebrating the finishing of our teams in public – for others to know and character.

It’s not easy to do something subsequent to those who are every second from you, especially gone there are personality conflicts. As was displayed in the movie “Drumline”, personalities can feat in keeping team members apart. Yet, those differences can also benefits as the hidden undertaking-deed to on the go teamwork.

Just save in mind, even even if personalities may deed and differences may exist, as long as vision, communication skills, listening skills, initiative, retain, focus, trust, collaboration, and hero worship are assert, team members will become “one band, one hermetic”.

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