Monatomic Gold and the Philosopher’s Stone

Were the ancient alchemists in want of fact exasperating to incline gold into benefit? This is the fable we’concerning told in the archives books, that alchemy is the society of something called the “Philosopher’s Stone,” a miraculous stone that could be used to transform base-metal such as benefit into gold.

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Actually, this excuse of turning gain to gold was just a lid-defense, hence as to save the alchemists from persecution. The report is not to be taken literally, but metaphorically. It is a code for something else, and that is the guide or base metal is figurative of the disloyal self or ego, and the gold is figurative of the transformation of the ego into a spiritual “lightbody.” The Philosopher’s Stone was an alchemical elixir that was said to greatly be as soon as-door to this process of spiritual transformation.

So, what is the Philospher’s Stone, in fact? We know that it is something to aid spiritual ascension. We along with know that it is an elixir, that is something that can be ingested, a join up of various substances. What could these component parts have been? Were they herbs, flora and fauna, illusion mushrooms?

The Ancient Egyptians had a practice of ingesting something they called “mfkzt.” Researchers have discovered this mfkzt to be derived from gold, and that is was a satisfying white powder. Today, this mfkzt is know by various names: monatomic gold, ORMES(orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements), ORMUS (orbitally rearranged material below psychoanalysis), white powder gold, along in the middle of others. Modern scientific research has shown that this white powder gold exists in a single-atom divulge, whereas gold in its metallic form exists in larger clusters of atoms.

Other minerals, such as platinum, osmium, iridium and others in addition to exist monoatomically in nature. These transitional platinum work elements are found in high concentrations in animate compound foods, especially in the bureau of foods know as “superfoods.” People eating a diet of entire sum, raw, organically grown foods and superfoods enjoy more shimmering health and lively moving picture than people eating the customary American Diet(S.A.D.) Cancer patients have following into full remission from transitioning to a raw, amass food diet, as dexterously as reversing supplementary sickness conditions.

Monatomic gold and added monatomic platinum group elements are being produced and marketed by various companies. Just Google “ORMUS,” and you’ll see higher than 1 million pages.

So, what can monatomic gold realize for me, you may probe? What the research has shown is people ingesting monatomic gold suit out an terse synchronization of right and left brain hemispheres. Subjects have reported greater mental clarity, and emotional stability(less highlight). Effects at the cellular level have been observed, plus commentator of DNA and greater cellular animatronics output and detoxification. My personal experience has been a greater carrying out to solve problems, taking into account less emphasize, more shimmering dreams, and greater experience of synchronicity (those “Aha!” moments!) behind things just seem to “gel.”

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