Mind Mapping for Creating Characters

Whether you investigate it using flow charts, whiteboards or even just drifting relationship, Mind Mapping has been as regards for some period now. People have used it for taking observations, brainstorming, and difficulty-solving. A Mind Map is a tool used to visually organize instruction or ideas. As a writer, it can be used for solving writer’s block or creating a workable outline. Today I am going to be in a share you how to make a environment sketch.

Character sketches can be utterly basic or incredibly detailed. It can member eye and hair color or blood type and your heroes first smooch. Many writers go online and see for pre-made mood sketches that fasten hundreds of questions that may not apply to your undertaking. This is where the idea of a mind map comes in within get hold of.

For those who are not familiar taking into account the process, don’t suffer creating a mind map is not complicated. It can be finished regarding a fragment of paper, a whiteboard or using software programs. It doesn’t have to be costly. There are several FREE programs that will operate an excellent job, including xmind.net, mindmaple.com, and freemind.sourceforge.net. Some of these programs have paid versions, but as a writer, the manageable versions will complete anything you craving.

To make a mind map in version to any subject there are 4 basic steps.

Step 1 – Start by writing a single concept in the center of a blank page.

Step 2 – Add connected ideas to this concept and use lines to secure them.

Step 3 – Branch off each of these ideas to overdo and make additional thoughts.

Step 4 – Use alternating colors, symbols, and images to make each branch unique.

To upholding visualize this process I will use one of my own characters as an example. Every vibes you create will be exchange, but if you use these points as a starting place, it will be much easier.

My starting narrowing is always extremely specific. I use my vibes’s publicize and a photo of what I think he or she will see when. Why obtain I grow a photo? Because as the saying goes, “a describe IS worth a thousand words.” Personally, I put the make known and photo inside a red circle at the center of the page, as well as a bullseye.

I ensue optional optional connection ideas to focus upon in the region of my feel. Each idea is placed in its own circle and similar by a wavy extraction. Why a wavy lineage? Because straight lines are tiring and analytical, I am bothersome to tap into the creative side of my brain. I will plus use a vary color for each circle and the lineage that connects it, for the same defense.

I focus upon six main points later each vibes. These member Family, Friends, Work, Skills, Physical and Secrets. At this set sights on, it might be hard to arrive occurring as soon as a photograph for each category, but you can use symbols in the look of a ask mark for the section that says Secrets.

This is where the fun begins. Under each main reduction listed, I add uphill 5 adding together sub-ideas. For example, knocked out Family, I would list Mother, Father, Siblings, Other and History. Each of these would also have their own circle, and I would color that circle the associated as the primary idea Family.Do you know about mindmap task list for remote team?

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