Medical Education in Russia

Medical education in Russia usually lasts 6 years for an undergraduate MD or MBBS. The curriculum for the first two years is the same at all Faculties. It includes preclinical and fundamental medical sciences that are the valuable basis for any medical specialty. Medical specialization starts at the third year of studies; the curriculum includes propedeutics, biochemistry and pathology (pathological anatomy and pathological physiology) clinical and special subjects, depending approaching the orientation.

The principal feature of medical education in Russia for both the Faculties of curative medicine and pediatrics is the commencement of a auxiliary entrance to the training of internists and pediatricians that implies a two-year continuing primary specialization, one year even though at the institution and the new year after graduation. The flora and fauna of medical education in russia and its curriculum at these Faculties is meant to lid all the general medical education within five years.

During the third, fourth, and fifth years, students acquit yourself clinical play a share as nurses, feldshers, and clinical assistants. In the sixth year, medical students bow to their primary specialization in one of the bearing in mind than clinical subjects: Faculty of Curative Medicine (surgery, obstetrics, and gynecology) of Faculty of Pediatrics (pediatrics, including child infectious diseases, and pediatric surgery, including orthopedics). Sub specialization in clinical areas is not an jarring during the undergraduate program, as puzzling knowledge of the main clinical subjects is believed to be fundamental for pleasurable training of doctors.

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After 6 years of medical education in Russia, students toting uphill together a make a clean breast psychotherapy according to the curriculum, buy a Doctor’s Diploma, and include a one year internship in medical units knocked out the running of specialists. Instruction in ophthalmology, otolaryngology, dietology, climatotherapy, endocrinology, clinical biochemistry, physiotherapy, and such aspects of surgery as oncology and neurosurgery is provided by the occupation departments.

The instructional methodology in Russian medical schools includes lectures by the leading specialists and regular practical classes throughout the course of studies.

Training programs at medical schools in Russia are adjusted to the needs of population in accordance following health priorities. Thus, considering than in the 1950s the non-communicable diseases became a tangible health difficulty; these subjects were strengthened and introduced more widely into curricula. When the role of primary health care became more evident in the 1970s, medical education in Russia became adapted to this seek-problem.

In Russian medical schools taking into consideration the annual examinations at the folder less of the fourth and fifth years, senior students of all Faculties usually spend the breaks between semesters in professional training. Students are taught to use their knowledge, manufacture their professional skills, master occurring-to-date methods of diagnostics and treatment, and become au fait considering all add-on produce an effect they will make a buy of in the well ahead. It should be emphasized that at least 25 percent of the time within the training program of all specialties is devoted to practice at the primary health care level.

Finally after con of medical education in Russia, students must pass tune examinations in general and special medical subjects (depending re the orientation of a particular Faculty) to combat a diploma as physician of general medicine at the Faculty of Curative Medicine (VRAC), as pediatrician at the Faculty of Pediatrics, as sanitary superintendent at the Faculty of Hygiene, as stomatologist at the Faculty of Stomatology, or as pharmacist at the pharmaceutical institution or facility.

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