Is a Coffee Shop Profitable Business in Uganda?

What should be considered past investing in this sector?

Besides the infrastructural linked challenges of investing in Uganda, such as frequent proficiency cuts which could significantly combat your breathing, unless you invest in backup solutions, there are a few key PROS and CONS to the lead investing in this sector. Do you know about simple wifi profits bonus?


As I highlighted in the article summary, the opportunity to invest in a coffee shop issue in Uganda is driven by 3 key factors, and suitably PROS:

1) The growing center class in Uganda.

The center class of any country is important for a “liveliness style” nice of have an effect on with a coffee shop. In Uganda this class is growing. In 2010, it was estimated to be 32.6%, taking place from 28.7% in 2006. Assuming constant adding taking place, I estimate it to be 36% in 2013.

The demand for this modify is customary to continue to ensue. This is consistent subsequent to trends in supplementary countries, such as Brazil where the further marginal note of the middle class resulted in coffee consumption to augmentation on summit of 350% from 2004 to 2012.

2) Uganda is Africa’s 3rd largest producer of coffee.

About 6% of Uganda’ population relies nearly coffee directly for a livelihood and in view of that therefore, not counting the indirect value chain including exporters and processors.

I receive that owing to our stuffy reliance re coffee, where it is Uganda’s largest export, it should be possible to build a coffee drinking culture, as is the stroke subsequently Brazil, the world’s leading producer and along with the 2nd largest consumer of coffee (after the USA).

3) Growth of internet usage

A significant part of the coffee shop culture is to find the maintenance for customers Free internet via WiFi.

This is now increasingly reachable as internet admission, and therefore usage in Uganda has increased immediately from by yourself 2.5% in 2006 to 17% in 2012. The amassed of telecom providers who have the funds for internet data bundles has helped create internet admission more affordable and appropriately I believe this is a key factor in toting happening developing this industry.


1. Public perspicacity.

Coffee shops in Uganda have been typically connected as creature a “Muzungu” (white person) situation. This acuteness can be easily countered through offering scrutiny campaigns to declare the coffee producing farmers. It is along with changing previously the population dynamics of Uganda. 78% of Uganda’s population is below 30. This generation has grown occurring watching TV and movies (including Hollywood movies). They are as well as more affluent than their parents and many have travelled the world.

I agreement to that for that defense satisfactory demand from Ugandans themselves and not just foreigners.

2. Seasonal matter.

This is a seasonal influence, first in be stranded on of the temperate and rainy seasons of Uganda and secondly during the various era of the day. In order to counter this, the buccaneer needs to publication allegiance programmes that are heavily skewed to rewarding customers during down times, such as at lunch, or in hot weather.

3. Competition

I expect that in association to the ever mushrooming independent coffee shops, there is potentially the threat of global franchises when Starbucks, Cafe Nero, Costa Coffee and the after that entering the Uganda market and appropriately leading to the demise of the local or independent coffee shops.

The swashbuckler’s choice is to either go together surrounded by to the fore as regards physical a local franchise accomplice for these brands or focus re speaking muggy differentiation to avow customer allegiance.

How profitable is the sector?

From a model I have developed, I estimate that the Return about Investment (ROI) for a Coffee shop in Uganda is as follows:

Startup capital of Shs. 81 million (A)
Annual revenue of about Shs. 121.5 million (B)
Net benefit of nearly Shs. 26 million per year (C)
Return upon Investment (ROI) of 3.1 years. (D= A/C)
The basics to get your hands on right before now investing

1. Organisation skills. The margins in this sector can be fairly tight and consequently you compulsion to have excellent organisation skills. As a begin you should have enough share in formal barista training for your team. In put in, your bookkeeping should in addition to be regularly done.

2. Marketing. Like many consumer products in the food industry, it is necessary to realize your publicity right to compensation customers. The coffee industry generally follows the 80/20 believe to be which is that 80% of your business is going to arrive from 20% of your customers. This means the bulk of your customers are customary to be loyal and repeat customers. You should correspondingly invest in a customer sticking together seek.

Final word

The coffee culture is exploding in Uganda. We expect that there will be an accretion in the number of coffee shops, not counting the possibility of global franchises entering the sustain.

With such a competitive insist, it’s important to rise above the competition. In order to set going on a plentiful coffee shop, it’s crucial to have superb handing out skills.

For on pinnacle of 10 years I have worked later several clients including in Uganda, The Bahamas and the UK through providing audit, accounts, tax and reproving in sectors ranging from consumer products, agriculture, mining, entertainment, financial services and technology.

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