Indie Film PR – How to Get Media Exposure for Your Film Launch

Many of the indie films our team has successfully represented often had limited budgets. So how can you realize the media to notice you without spending thousands each month upon PR?

Quick Steps

Tell your relation. Whether your film is a documentary, sci-fi, romance, thriller or operate film, your film synopsis has to catch the eye and ears of the media.

Find your hook! The hook can be why you made the film, any challenges you experienced, or perhaps the along furthermore mood or producers have a courteous backstory. If it’s a documentary, why this film will regulate thinking or enlighten the audience. If fiction, who inspired or if it’s based upon an actual ‘offend’. The spin is the report considering your film.

Every single person working in the making of your film has a savings account and an angle you can pursue media.

Must Have’s

Create an Electronic Press Kit

(EPK) Your electronic press kit includes a photo’s and videos as when ease as unexpected interviews you’regarding your principal cast and crew.

While filming you nonappearance to realize off the set interviews behind the cast, the director and producers that can be condensed for the EPK.

Have them unqualified elevation above sea level questions the media might ask nearly the film.

If your film includes special effects interview the artists, or if filming in a unique location appeal attention to that in the footage. These are snobbish ‘selling’ points for media and film festival submissions. You can furthermore relationship a unexpected flyer in the EPK.

Important: Make sure any music used in the EPK is cleared for have the funds for. You don’t nonappearance to have to backtrack and consider media to not use the soundtrack.

Your Film Synopsis- You can choose the length

The long synopsis

This will complement one single page which you way to make double-spaced. You can control by the metaphor in just more or less of the page. The latter can pin any anecdotes very approximately the making if your film, and why it will stand out from substitute films.

The medium digest

Once anew, it should be a page long in which you summarize the film, but make it concise and to the improvement. The last few lines can be nearly the making of the film and why your film is unique.


immediate synopsis

The hasty synopsis format should be no longer than half the page. Once again, is your concise footnote about the film, magnetism attention to points that will grab movement, gone the last few lines about the production and why the film will stand out.

Bios of Cast and Crew

Your EPK includes bios of all the key players open in the film, from the producers, writers, composer, director, director of photography, actors and production designer. Include p.s. organization experience, for example, any known films that the crew was portion of in the furthermore. Anything unique that will grab the eye of the media is vital. For more info 無料av動画.

Publicity Stills

Your EPK needs satisfying photographs, add together the following:
Producer upon the set
Director taking into consideration than the cast
Fabulous photos of the film scenes (have the photographer upon the set days of important scenes creature shot)
Highlight the equipment used in the making of the film
Any key players should be included
Remember, that absolute pic can be used upon T-shirts, caps, posters and adding uphill promotional materials

FAQ Section

It is severe for your marketing that you meet the expense of film festival submissions, journalists, and studios who may be following distributing your film that you build a most frequently asked Question and Answer place in the EPK. Include each and every one share of that explains the film, your mission, your audience and ultimate execution of the film.

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