How To Play Chess 101

The game of chess is a matter of treaty the game, patience, and knack. Today, we’ll briefly cover the basic rules & strategy of chess.

Basic Rules of Chess

1. Turns

Whoever is white moves first. Players subsequently alternate turns. Players may single-handedly have an effect on one chess fragment at a period.

2. Capturing Opponents Pieces

Players can occupy pieces along in addition to they onslaught an rival in their own chess fragment’s doings passageway. With the exception of pawns, all pieces capture in the thesame showing off they disquiet across the chessboard.

3. Length of the Game

When playing in a chess tournament or online chess game, the games tend to be timed. When playing at dwelling or for fun, the game is generally played until there is checkmate, or both players agreement to to subside playing.

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