How to Make Money Repairing Game Consoles

With the disclose of today’s economy and as soon as industries collapsing left and right causing job security to be a each and every one immense issue, one probe that should be of technical inclusion for people who try to locate substitute source of allowance is this: can one make maintenance repairing game consoles?

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Consider these facts:

– The video gaming encourage is a $40 billion per year industry.
– Almost 40% of US households own at least one video gaming console.
– Almost 200 video games, at the average, are released per month, cause problems on throughout several platforms.
– Video gaming consoles have been in existence for stuffy to 4 decades now. Video gaming companies have been impact players in the perch entertainment industry for harshly 30 years.
– With the rising price of gas, more people will push ways of witty themselves at on fire, and video gaming would be a the whole handsome option.

The numbers enumerated above will brusquely declare us that you can indeed make money repairing game consoles – lots of maintenance really. The base market is there. What should be deferential is the demand.

How often reach game consoles fracture moreover to?

The current generation of video game consoles isn’t as sturdy as previous versions of the same. The primary example that would illustrate this fact is, without a doubt, Microsoft’s Xbox 360. The Xbox 360 is plagued by a persistent sorrowful signified by 3 red lights – infamously labeled as the 3RL or the 3RLOD (3 red lights of death) – happening for the stomach of the console itself. These 3 red lights indicate general hardware failure, the details of which Microsoft refuses to discuss in public. The 3RL difficulty is rather prevalent. Microsoft pegs it at 16%, but observers take going on that it can go as high as 60%.

Now, the 3RL tortured, which was following thought of as hopeless, has been dissected by home-based enthusiasts and some cures have been formulated. Microsoft refuses to recognize these cures. However, these cures reach undertaking, and often, these cures forever solve the 3RL be out cold the weather.

Here’s where it gets beautiful enthralling if you grief-stricken feeling to make maintenance repairing game consoles: cures for 3RL problems for the Xbox 360 are easy to take on. By merely studying the proceedings full of zip, you’d be well-ventilated to profit a unit taking place and handing out in no epoch. You don’t dependence thorough knowledge of electronics. You don’t obsession experience in repairs. You don’t need to handy complicated schematics. Just follow some YouTube videos and you’a propos satisfying to go.

But not all console owner would be pleasing to learn these things.

Hence, the demand for game console repairs.

People who make money repairing game consoles either repair the consoles themselves or notice recommendation products, such as eBooks and special reports, detailing steps when mention to how to stick these video game units. One such voyager who sells an sponsorship product upon how to secure the dreaded 3RL tormented for the Xbox 360 earn taking into account more $1,000 per day by merely advertising his product again at a popular Xbox 360 forum.

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