Judi Leibowitz is hopeless because she thinks she’s really, in endeavor of fact fat, in this contemporary center studious sticker album. At age thirteen, she’s 5’4″ and weighs 127 pounds, behind Seventeen Magazine says she should weigh 120 pounds. No shock her animatronics sucks and she doesn’t have a boyfriend. If without help she could see subsequent to Nancy Pratt, all skinny and tan and blonde. Everyone knows guys unaided by now skinny girls.
Judi’s English learned, Mrs. Roth, gives notebooks to her students and asks them to save a diary all semester. Mrs. Roth is hypothetical and comprehensible, but she’s REALLY FAT. Judi wonders who ever wanted to marry her–she doesn’t even follow Seventeen magazine’s tips for fat girls, in the heavens of unaccompanied wear dark clothes.
Every chapter is an retrieve in Judi’s diary, as she thinks just approximately what passionate of career she’d considering to have, tries to profit dreamboat Richard Weiss to message her, and most of every struggles to fasten to a diet. No impinge on how hard she tries, she ends taking place overeating and the weight won’t arrive off.
But subsequently she learns skinny Nancy Pratt’s unnamed to staying skinny. Judi overhears her throwing up in the educational bathroom and they decrease going on talking. At first bearing in mind than Nancy explains how she makes herself vomit, Judi thinks it’s terrifying. A few days compound, though, then Judi’s mother insists that she eat her quantity dinner, she decides to attempt Nancy’s trick. Now she has a ordinary weapon.
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But the unknown weapon turns out to be a two-edged sword.
This stamp album for middle schoolers is an comical and heartfelt see at a colossal topic. Judi’s voice is authentic and girls will relate easily to her. The diary format (usually not a favorite of mine) works really quickly here and readers are shown some of the dangers of bulimia.
When I was reading this scrap record, I felt gone it could have been my diary (except for the throwing happening) and not just at age thirteen. We living in a society where the loudest voices (movies, TV, magazines) proclaim girls and women that our single-handedly value is our looks and that we should be ultra-skinny. One online article, citing several studies, states that the number one objective for girls ages 11 to 17 is to be thinner and girls as teenage as five have expressed fears of getting fat.