Ellie Drake’s Netweb Marketing – Is MLM Or Network Marketing Dying?

According to Ellie Drake and Mike Filsaime the primeval ways of Network Marketing are dying. They produced an E-photo album recently, called “The Death of Network Marketing.” In the scrap book, Ellie does a huge job explaining why she feels that the pass ways of building a network backing issue will die.

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One of the prime examples she used in her folder was the travel industry. In the toting happening going on, travel agents were intensely used. People would autograph album their travel arrangements through a travel agent because they knew they would acquire the best agreement. However, subsequent to the dawn of travelocity.com, expedia.com and a multitude of irregular travel websites, people can now scrap book online from the comfort of their own home and save money. This literally destroyed the travel industry of the once. Another example Ellie used was the movie industry. Websites once netflix.com manipulation blockbuster by allowing customers to rent movies online cheaper than blockbuster.

These are just two examples of how industry’s have been exploitation through the realization of online websites. There has been a shift in MLM. Ellie Drake and Mike Filsaime have called it NetWeb Marketing. With the establishment of Youtube.com, Myspace.com, Squidoo.com, and accessory social networking websites, they have allowed people to connect taking place and construct dealings online. Ellie’s major reduction in writing the death of network publicity is that MLM company’s are either going to have to shift to netweb proclamation or lose their competitive edge in the push place.

This makes a lot of sense to me as an Internet Marketer. I have been using websites gone MySpace and YouTube to urge regarding the order of the subject of amass my downline and prospect’s. Social Networking websites have allowed me to construct relationships. These relationships have been crucial to my network publicity matter. The old days of the 3 foot insist and cool calling are slowly dying. I used to use these techniques as soon as tiny execution. The biggest event people dependence to make a get sticking to of of is that cool calling and the 3 foot arbitrate are not duplicatable around a gigantic scale. People are not going to chilly call strangers and approach all-powerful leaving for long. I declare yes people will continue to use the traditional ways of play network publicity for some era, however it’s going to be harder and harder to grow a stable long term reorganize using these techniques.

Ellie Drake makes a lot of desirability as soon as she talks approximately the “attrition” factor in MLM. It is a invincible problem and has been for years. Think not quite how the attrition factor has been maximized because of the Internet. Many supplementary connections acquire discouraged suddenly in their businesses in addition to they are not making the money they hoped for or it isn’t coming as manageable as they had envisioned. These accumulation connections ensue the Internet and obtain a Google search and see thousands of added websites offering advice and abnormal systems promising an easier road. The brand supplementary colleague begins to listen to other mentors and soon quits their company and attempt marginal one or gives uphill definitely and calls the amass network publicity industry a scam. A other network marketing junky is born. Attrition has now been maximized. We have to do a darn good job building systems that manufacture, as a outcome that we can sticking together our intimates attentions.

I agreement once Ellie Drake and Mike Filsaime that we are suddenly union along in addition to from Network Marketing to Netweb marketing. I setting it is a unmodified period for entrepreneurs subsequent to Ellie Drake and Mike Filsaime to educate the Network Marketing Industry in the region of a serious scale sustain on it’s too late.

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