Determination of Cold and Hot Spot in Stability Chambers

Back in the hours of daylight, pharmaceutical companies have made a omnipotent leap speak to. When storing the drugs in one habit or abnormal may be exposed to a variety of factors, affecting the vibes and gain to a regulate of properties. By destroying the main parameters count increased storage temperature, the take effect of well-ventilated, moisture content oxygen or carbon dioxide in the environment, the impact microorganisms and therefore the packaging structure etc. Determination of the effect these factors – one of the most important tasks of the encouragement manage environment to the pharmaceutical industry. Climate chambers subsequent to humidity manage have the funds for leave to enter you to test the stability of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food substances in accordance gone international standards of the pharmaceutical industries.

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Climate chambers – devices, specially intended for the cartoon of puzzling weather conditions back extremes of temperature and humidity, as competently as maintaining constant conditions for long time of era They take effect at a temperature from -70C to + 200C. In assistant to maintaining the temperature and humidity chamber can be equipped once lighting and CO2 supply systems. The task of any climatic chamber -to make and retain a climate once get parameters of temperature and humidity. Special attention is paid to these cells equally distribution of temperature and humidity throughout the volume of the on the go chamber. Each climate chamber must be tested to meet strict standards and be equipped considering all the security features.

In these cells retain a temperature degrade than ambient temperature medium (from 0 C to + 70C) is provided by using a Peltier thermoelectric elements. This allows dispensing as soon as than the intended refrigeration systems. Peltier elements consume 2 – 5 era less animatronics than freon refrigeration systems, and during their operation no noise and vibration.

Not least the fact that these cells are excluded icing and on zenith of airing samples. Heating and cooling systems are located in the chamber song coat that surrounds the functional chamber. It provides fast and accurate temperature manage.

In psychoanalysis climatic chambers are created ideal conditions for temperature and climatic tests. Programming by means of profiles, an swift moisturizing and ventilation (10 to 98% relative humidity) in assimilation after that than accurate temperature run from -42 to 190C (without humidity control), or from 10C to 95C (past humidity rule) present opportunities exam materials and gloomy aging tests.

All components of the climate system perfectly interact considering each added, it provides a fast, accurate and cost-supple fine-flavor in temperature. Electronic coolant injection system ensures optimum cooling undertaking, and thanks to the automatic defrosting stability chamber can conduct long-term trials without postponement.

The high atmosphere of stability chamber avowed heating and cooling era Thus, the exam cells are cooled from 180 C to -40 C for more or less 95 minutes, and the reverse heating period is by yourself 20 minutes. Thus hot and chilly spot in stability chamber has a colossal number of advantages as compared: 1) Comfortable design for operation and maintenance; 2) High-exactness temperature rule system; 3) Easy and intuitive user control; 4) Optimum proclaim flow for cameras of all sizes; 5) Independent guidance unit at the maximum/minimum temperature; 6) Minimum noise; 7) The possibility of combining happening to 32 cameras in a single computer network (including connecting to the Internet). In our epoch stability chamber – the every one much needed acquisition for each of the pharmaceutical laboratories.

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