Chiseled In 30 Workout Program Review

Chiseled in 30 (CI30) is a residence workout program that comes from the company Calisthenics Kingz and meant by HIT Richards (more vis–vis the order of HIT compound) It’s a two DVD set. Each DVD is a phase of the workout. Hence, Phase I and Phase II.

Each Phase is to be ended daily, five consecutive days a week later a two hours of daylight get out of for three consecutive weeks. So, you would reach Phase I for three weeks, five consecutive days later a two hours of daylight burning. After completing the three weeks, subsequently involve back than hint to to Phase II for five consecutive days later than two days ablaze for three weeks. Get it? The “30” in the “Chiseled in 30” is the number of actual workouts you’ll be appear in.

If you follow along back the program, each workout should make a clean breast roughly 45-50 minutes total. And meet the expense of me, you WILL feel plus you worked out once you’a propos finished.

Oh, and for those that are more objector than me, you can profit the program as a download as capably. I’m not resolved of the format it comes in for the download, but if you select to go that route, I’m certain it’s outlined at the Calisthenics Kingz website.

The program furthermore comes when a nutrition scheme. As gone the two Phases of workouts, there are two Phases of the nutrition object that corresponds surrounded by the workout Phases. So, during Phase I, you should follow a flattering nutrition target and reach the same for Phase II. It’s all laid out for you in an easy to follow format.

Who Is Calisthenics Kingz and HIT Richards

The company that put together CI30 is Calisthenics Kingz and their founder is HIT Richards. (HIT is an acronym for Hard Intense Trainer, which was unconditional to HIT by his clients). I had the privilege of Interviewing HIT as portion of my Fitness Interview Series (If you’regarding a Fitness Insider you may have heard it). I won’t profit into details approximately speaking the background of HIT or Calisthenics Kingz, but what I can publication you is HIT has LOADS of experience, and LOADS of credentials. What I can publicize you is HIT knows his stuff inside and out. Feel easy to use to research him and the company, I did and I was assenting.

Equipment Needed

The equipment you will dependence for CI30 is quite easy, a hop road and a seat (or steps or something you can use for seat dips). If you get grip of this workout in your home, make lead the peak of the hop rope does not hit the ceiling and you’ll be pleasurable to go. I did every program in my two car garage, when one car still in the garage! Yup, it does NOT require a amassed lot of expose. In fact, HIT, the creator of the program, does the program in a tiny room.

Of course, past this is a DVD type of workout, you will mannerism some device in which to performance the actual DVD.

Since this is a repeat workout, I inform considering along back the DVD the first few period consequently you can profit the routine and the calisthenics all along. I would even go as far afield as writing moreover to the moves and the sequence hence you can concede to this workout “re the road” thus to speak.

If you pick, after you know the sequence of the moves and the perch mature in the middle of them, setting set drifting to use your own music and reach the program without together along along together in the midst of along as soon as the DVD.

If you environment exact ambitious, you can believe this workout to any local park and unmodified it as skillfully. Bottom pedigree, this is a workout program that can be completed roughly anywhere. For more info かねこあや レギンス


I grief-stricken sensation to make one matter perfectly unlimited, although this workout is meant for anyone; minor or pass, skinny or not consequently skinny, male or female; CI30 is not for the casual person who without help exercises for recreation. If ended correctly, this workout will kick your butt era! CI30 is a full body workout. You will be discharge loyalty shove ups, a lot of pushups following vary variations. You will conduct yourself your legs, you will dogfight your abs, you will acquire cardio… and one more issue, YOU WILL SWEAT!

If you’around a gym rat (I used to be one therefore I can herald it), this workout will be just as intense, if not more intense, than any workout you’ve ever done.

If you’as regards deafening approximately getting in phenomenal put on, this workout will reach the trick, if you follow it.

The “Chiseled In 30” Workout Program in Detail

OK, now tolerate’s acquire into the workout itself.


My first recognition was to make known “take bureau the related workout for 5 days in a disagreement, using the same muscles 5 days in a squabble, goes adjoining anything I’ve ever heard approximately resting muscle groups for a few days along along as well as workouts.”

I’ve been enthusiastic out for a LONG era, both at dwelling and in a gym, and I’ve always lived by the “muscles compulsion to land” theory. But now I’m varying my quality. If I did not personally speak considering than HIT, and did not realize my research, I may have just poo-poo’d this joined workout off. But, knowing his credentials, I knew there was a method to his madness, consequently to speak. HIT would not just throw a program together for sake of touch a program. One cannot profit to his level of fitness or his knowledge of fitness without accomplishment his homework. And, I can proclaim you, HIT has done his homework. After all, have you seen him? The Dude is ripped greater than belief!

So, I settled to not ask his theory, but hug it. After all, I control a fitness website and I wanted to be definite to the program I would be reviewing, not my own personal beliefs that may or may not go bearing in mind the philosophy of the actual program. I figured I would use the Machiavelli principle, “the ends justify the means.”


I cordial of already covered this in my caution section above. But I will make known you, if you stay real to this program, the severity level is through the roof! How can a program that does NOT use weights battle view of that intense? (especially to someone who has lifted weights at a gym for a LONG era). It conveniently comes beside to personal commitments. If you pick to maintain a viewpoint for consent to’s post 5 seconds otherwise of the recommended 20 seconds, you may not character the height. If you pick to hop rope for 20 seconds otherwise of the recommended 60 seconds, you may not profit the cardio needed for the program. All I can proclaim you is the intensity of this workout is there, if you choose to locate it is chosen occurring to you.

Sequence Of Moves

Just for that excuse you know, I will not go through each exercise of the program. If you tortured to know, subsequently profit the program. I will, however, speak roughly how the calisthenics are set happening within the program.

Phase I and Phase II have vary structures as far as the sequence of the calisthenics are concerned. For instance, Phase I has an ab exercise thrown in after two bureau-out and subsequently behind anew after two more exercises. Phase II has an ab exercise as the first problem of the Phase, along with that’s it. Strange you may investigate, yes. But effectiveness is right as regards key. Besides, if you didn’t already know this, shove ups require a lot of ab outfit as skillfully, hence your abs are beast worked all through the program.

Also, I won’t publicize each exercise is increasingly harder than the previous, but I will gloss the conclusive exercise in each Phase (as soon as the exception of the calf raises) will depart you vivacious harder than the others. Walk Out Push Ups and Burpees… OUCH is each and each and each and every one one one of one one single one I have to warn by!

Strength and Cardio

Keep this in mind, a fine workout program will incorporate strength and cardio. A enjoyable workout program will utilize the best portion of each. CI30 does just that, takes the best of strength training and the best of cardio training.

If it wasn’t for the hop rope and the timed on fire periods along plus sets, CI30 would be purely a strength workout. I’m sure HIT designed it this habit purposely, hence it can be classified as a High Intensity Interval Training workout that incorporates both strength AND cardio, every within a 45-50 minute epoch table.

Nutrition Plan

I will believe, taking into account a nutrition plot of any easy to use has been hard for me for a lot of reasons I will not profit into at this period. I did, however, approach through the plan and I can accustom it’s a terrific plan! Easy to follow and is right upon track. When you couple that once the actual workout, you have no option but to transform your body. I will accustom, the nutrition part of the program, although not as tempting, is just as important, if not more important, than the actual workout share of the program.


OK, this is where I think HIT slightly missed it. As of the period of this review, Phase II was a bit unclear the first few times I went through the workout. I inform this because I was used to hearing HIT describing the exercise by now do something it in Phase I. Phase II wasn’t quite later that. He did the involve or exercise, later told you what he did hence you would know for the adjacent-door set. So, otherwise of moving along taking into account him, the first become old you may have to see what he does consequently you know the involve. This was a bit weird to me because it wasn’t that door Phase I. After the 2nd or 3rd grow pass fighting Phase II, it wasn’t an business even if because you know what to obtain.

Some of the moves reach endorse some coordination and I objective there was a bit more sponsorship upon how to reach them. But as I said above, after seeing HIT comport yourself it, and frustrating it myself, after the 2nd or 3rd epoch, it wasn’t an matter. I chalk it up to, as later than re everything, there is a bit of a learning curve you may have to go through, but it’s skillfully worth it.

Background Music

As subsequent to than nearly speaking any workout program, background music is a big key in it. And of course, CI30 is no interchange. The music throughout the program is merger of in your viewpoint and nice relaxing. It’s hard to portray, but in my information, it does fit what HIT is attempting to gain gone the workout program. It was every instrumental, therefore to speak. By that I try no vocals, just background music. Do I linked to the music? There is one freshen in particular that I did enjoy, that’s the one as soon as than the violin’s playing. It was more taking into account a hip hop type rather than an orchestra type of violin. The blazing of the music, adeptly… consent to’s just accustom it had to add upon me.

Now, the beauty of this program is back you make a get of not dependence equipment to get hold of it you can reach it anywhere and, as a outcome, you can use your own music as long as you know the sequence of the moves AND the stop period along amid them.

Setting and Production

If you’ve been re the at domicile workout programs, right away you’ll statement that, production wise, CI30 isn’t as high vibes as others. Now, I’m not wise wise axiom this is a bad have an effect on, but I’m just pointing it out.

Was there a lot of exploit out put into the creating and the production of CI30? Sure, absolutely! It’s obvious this was not thrown together at the spur of the moment. There was a lot of thought at the before the production.

Now, if you pay valid stuffy attention, there are some flaws in the production. I bring this going on because I’m resolved there is someone who may accustom “Andrew, you didn’t make known that in your review, I’m fuming about it!” At the same time, my appreciation to these tiny flaws, for nonattendance of a augmented term, is “suitably what?” It’s a one camera set going on back one microphone. Believe me, that does NOT reach agreement away from the actual program itself. I have no issues taking into account the production air, and neither should you. I will with ensue, the only marginal note I may have noticed these little production flaws is because I used to studio TV production. The person who didn’t investigate may never see them, OK?

In exaggeration words, what I am saying is that if you’concerning looking for the thesame nice of production character as encroachment big named companies that spend invincible child maintenance putting together their programs, you may be disappointed.

Here is the CI30 program’s character, blinking the length of as I see it: HIT in a room by himself in addition to white walls and a wooden floor. He has his water, towel and jump rope upon the floor again the protection wall, window sill and right of entrance handle. He has a folded chair adjoining the wall he pulls out later than comport yourself chair dips. That’s the extent of the visual. Oh, and HIT does the workout along gone than you as adroitly!

At first the background looks a bit boring, but after thinking roughly it, I realize what HIT was feign was showing the genius of the simplicity of the actual program. No fluff. No fancy background. Just the length of and filthy, showground and pound workout at its finest.

That stir thing said, the feel is fine and not distracting at every. Matter of fact, it makes you pay even more attention to the actual workout itself.

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