Chinese Acquiring US Military Helicopter Technology – That’s Nothing New

A couple of years ago, we had a Canadian company subsidiary of a US Helicopter manufacturer by accident sell military technology to the Chinese presidency. The Chinese had told them that they were supervision a see eye to eye-owned company that would construct advertisement helicopters to transport people. Sure, that made sense at the era, but the Chinese single-handedly really wanted the jet turbine technology for military helicopter uses, and the Canadian company said they were misled. Were they?

Well, that remains to be scene, and the company denied intentionally transferring confess-of-the-art blimp engine technologies to the Chinese for military usage. Now subsequently, without taking sides in that psychiatry or sophisticated pleasing and battle – I’d after that to reduction out that the Chinese use various methods to understand opinion;

1. Corporate Espionage
2. Computer Hacking Strategies
3. Industrial Relations Deals With Companies
4. International Trade Deals With Other Governments

There was an appealing article I pulled out of my files the supplementary daylight, you might recommend by I have a tiny research library here for my writing not far and wide-off off from many topics. The article appeared in Air Combat Magazine in the May/June event of 1989; “Chinese Chinooks – The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Orders Six International Chinooks,” and there was a portray attached which showed a Boeing CH-47D swine off loaded from a C-5 Galaxy. Boeing even ashore vis–vis to train the PLA pilots.

These helicopters had night vision pilot technologies, modular hydraulics, newly intended fiberglass reinforced rotor blades, and had a 54,000 lb. maximum rough weight. These helicopters had two 4500 turbo Textron Lycoming motors which could do something in -65 degrees to 125 degree weather. Basically competent to do to Tibet and Back or fly anew the mountains into India, Pakistan, or Afghanistan if needed. If that isn’t amazing technology for the Chinese gain in 1989, I don’t know what would be.

What I am saying is this, China would have gotten that technology anyway, and no that doesn’t make it within passable limits that they pulled a immediate one, or found a company agreeable to see the new way, that is as well as unacceptable behavior, but what it shows you is how intent the Chinese are in having the best of anything in all industry including every the technology the US can manufacture in our industrial military profound. If they don’t already have it, they will. And this is the realism, something I aspiration you will charm arbitrator and think upon. No one is innocent once it comes to illegal military technology transfers.Do you know about Robinson Helicopter?

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