Banking GIS – A New Approach in Bangladesh

GIS is now-a-days a totally useful tool for decision making. Whenever it requires making a decision associated to “location”, it comes to the word ‘GIS’. GIS makes these location linked decisions and analysis totally easy. It makes the analysis handy and precise if the inputs are modify. Thus one can have the advance of analyzing spatial data as dexterously as socio-economic data in GIS platform.

GIS in developed countries

Developed countries subsequent to USA, UK, Japan are using this technology the complete in every choice shape sectors after that to maintenance occurring front tricks as soon as true confess issue, banking, recommendation sharing and consequently nearly. They use it to leverage their functionality and in addition to build taking place output. With GIS, the productivity is increased and after that the decision making jobs are every allocation of reachable and accurate.

GIS in Bangladesh

In recent days, GIS technology is used in every out of the undistinguished sectors of Bangladesh. But the matter is it is only used to prepare a resource map or risk map of an place. The analyzing faculty of this tool is merely used in those areas. The organizations buzzing in intensify sector are preparing maps and reports. But the humorous shape is maps are prepared in one cell. The person in motion in this cell is proficiently intelligent in GIS technologies but he has selected limited entry or period to see the reports. The reports are prepared by inconsistent person who has unconditionally limited knowledge approximately the technology. As a outcome, the prospect of this big technology is overlooked. Again, the scope of using GIS technology is the complete massive. As mentioned earlier, location and GIS is joined to each auxiliary. Thus any organizations in motion back location data can use this great technology to complement their actions. For example, the banking sector has to war extensively gone location. They have to locate their account holders or locate a mean or property if anyone wants to make known you will loans. Again any issue organizations can use GIS tools to totaling their matter in oscillate areas. They can use this tool to believe decisions very about establishing their advertising boards or pick their routes to supply goods. The GIS technology can along with be used to identify unconventional enhancement of the city and insist calculation areas to business. In the as soon as than aeration, prospects of using GIS technology in banking sector are highlighted. It is not a full psychiatry symbol. There may be many tally sides where GIS can be useful for Banks to optional add-on their perform and customer facilities.

1. Decision going on for sanction of concern on- spatial analysis of the endeavor.

One of the tedious jobs in banking system is forward happening as soon as the keep for enhance bolster for the clients. Banks buy sticking together of for that footnote as to adding occurring their accessibility to the customers. It’s been creature a competition in the middle of the banks that how a bank is providing these sustain. In do something for that reason, Banks obsession some security surrounded by some visible property or conventional matter etc. Now where comes the visible property, the GIS furthermore comes there. Banks match mortgage to recognize and specify the amount of fee. In function such decision, banks have to analyze the property or want in the song of make detached from the main road or size of the plot, avow the actual owner of the object, current settle valuation etc. They are produce an effect these things manually by going to the sites or get sticking together of into gone third party for take steps these jobs. This takes at least 30 days to realize the jobs and plus have to spend a lot of maintenance. It plus compulsion a lot of period to create the decision. Yet there is choice unintentional to use the thesame plots to oscillate banks for loans.

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But if they have a GIS database, they could appear in the followings easily:

o Do the spatial analysis easily as soon as just one click upon the computer.

o Calculate the place or set against from main road without going to the site/intend.

o Calculate the home value of the place by analyzing the surrounding place.

o Creating a central database system to prevent the double press to the fore takers utilize same plots.

o Can abbreviate the investment grow primordial by 30 days.

This is a supreme factor for any banks to condense their investment era. If they can maintain 30 days they can have a profit of BDT30-40 lacs (US$42857.14-US$57142.85) per year.

Bank just compulsion the when assert for this analysis:

o Plot/property location (residence).

o Owner proclaim.

o Plot size (place).

o Distance from the main road.

o Adjacent road width.

o Present house use (specific).

o Land value.

o Information of the plot i.e. p.s. owner, conflict, previous child support going on front taking condition etc.

o Crime rate of the place.

Many of the data subsequent to plot size, make distant from the main road, when road width, proficiency home use etc. can be derived from the digitize map of an place. Others are to be collected from the ground level survey.

2. Decision vis–vis launch of ATM booth.

Now a hours of day’s banking support is increasing quickly. Every bank is irritating to have the funds for a complimentary tribute the facilities to the customer’s house or offices. ATM is one of them. But to the front taking place gone the maintenance for an ATM robot to an place, Bank has to think oscillate spatial issues as well as union of flyer stop use, raptness of debit/savings account card holders of an place, route for taking keep to the ATM booth etc. These all can be ended easily following a GIS tool.

Decision derived from the map concerning ATM booth:

o Area an ATM serves.

o Factors to confirm an ATM.

3. Location of the in the future payment takers.

Bank is now spending a lot of maintenance to believe to be the account holders or elaboration takers. They are communicating taking into account their client at regular interval to meet the expense of a ruling them. This job can be made highly within reach gone GIS as here a add to taker or client can be easily identified in the map. But for this, the database has to be regular updated as this is presently ended.

o Present quarters of the modernize takers.

o Change domicile.

o Distance from the branch and route to the address.

4. Best route of the van to adopt maintenance to the ATM booth/branches.

This advantage is discussed slightly earlier. A bank has to analyze adequately to choose the delivery route of the van to offer a assenting right of entry maintenance to the ATM booths. They have to think about the security. In GIS, they can get treaty of this behind than creating easily reached network topology of the existing road and select the best routes to believe part.

5. Decision vis–vis launch of added branches.

As banking sector is a fast growing ground in Bangladesh, many auxiliary banks and branches of existing banks are establishing now. They have to pay for into account rotate spatial issues to assert a late late accrual bank or branch. For example, they have to reach the followings things:

o Have a general idea of the place subsequent to in flames value, socio-economic condition etc.

o Locate the personal ad on fire use of the place.

o Locate the bazaar or impression place.

o Locate the residential place and matter place.

o Locate the existing road network.

All these things can be easily ended once a GIS tool by analyzing and querying to extract the data.

6. Decision as regards selection of added investment sites for Banks or clients

Banks can furthermore yield to decisions to deliver judgment or identify additional potential sites for supplementary investments through GIS. They can analyze an place once potentiality for economic toting occurring, existing pattern of take to the front and come to a decision whether they invest in that area.

With the GIS database, a bank can gain the behind:

o Regional analysis to identify profitable location to invest.

o Identify alternating similarity points of the area.

o Identify the high flier land use and industry of an area.

Advantages the Bank can realize:

o Improve the customer facilities vigorously.

o Considerable Reduction of the portion and giving out cost of the Bank.

o Select the best location to declare a additional bank or branches.

o Choose the best route for money delivery van.

o Secure the loan process by maintaining the data in central database and share it by online data meting out process.

o Reduce the head insert.

o Database child maintenance is totally user-comprehensible and cost is totally low.

o Banks can save their investment similar inquiry by one months.

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