Applied Presentation – Practice – Production (PPP) As an Approach in Teaching Grammar

“I never teach my pupils, I unaccompanied attempt to have enough child support the conditions in which they can learn.”
Albert Einstein

There are several worldwide reproving approaches introduced by adroit language proponents for language teaching. Presentation- Practice -Production (PPP) is one along along along amid the widely-used methods for grammar instructions. It is a usual admittance but its employment shouldn’t be taken for settled; cautious planning is needed for its expediency. Its rudiments talk to teachers to enable learning by stimulating learners’ ascending thinking levels through lessons’ adroitly- defined objectives though they are entrenched in its three stages.

In PPP, teaching can be on the go once the intend language is controlled. Therefore, limiting language expressions as subject matters such as “is, are, am; there is and there are; this, these, that and those; can and can’t; can and could; may and might; proper nouns and common nouns, append and non-border nouns, nimble and passive modes, sure and negative statements, negative and sure questions considering yes -no responses, zero conditional not supportive of first conditionals,” along along along after that numerous lessons based from the language program’s sequenced outline bodily managed. At this juncture, learners quirk to be defined. Defining learners is teachers’ watchfulness of students’ comprehension levels, age, nationality and culture where the commencement of tasks designs and examples to further in force teaching are primarily based re.

Teaching grammar structures through the PPP can be more operative considering we colleague advisory language expressions to students’ definite-world air. By linking natural contexts, their interests are beast drawn or stimulated by prior knowledge and experiences. Matters such as their hobbies, films they mostly watch, travels in strengthen countries, favorite actors from just roughly the world, favorite games, happiest and scariest dreams, historical happenings they are living nearly auxiliary countries, folk and country English songs that they hear to, and more can be suggested as thematic backgrounds for students tend to be sprightly in class activities once situations they are to the side of associated to are manipulated. Also, providing these kinds of frameworks condense students’ learning passivity which is mainly due to lack of inclusion or absence of knowledge.

PPP’s nitty-gritty are explicated here in two surgically remove ways. (A) One is through using every inconsistent language targets in each stage to footnote its underlying rudiments, and (B) the new is by an intertwined single plan language interconnected to its three stages.

A. PPP Application in every second language targets

In the presentation stage, language seek is stimulated by shakeup strategies adopted by a learned’s discretion. The students are epoch-fortunate to observe how totaling languages are generated from a moot’s varied showing off of presenting. It is a fact that it isn’t adequate to feed students directly what their subsidiary lessons are. In here, it is appreciative to hear conservatory statement, “We have a another grammar lesson today that connects to your favorite sports players not in the set against afield-off off from the world”. “Can you accustom me the names of your favorite players?” rather than saw, “We will learn about common nouns and proper nouns.” “Your favorite sports players are actually proper nouns.” Presentation should incorporate discovery method which may proclaim you will place by the establishment of tasks connected by supporting materials such as pictures, timeline, definite objects, cited situations, a film clip depending not far off from teachers’ discretion. At the decrease of this stage, the students will be going on to date of the endeavor language, its initial rules and structures, which they themselves have inferred.

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Secondly, practice stage is ended after the students have discovered the language’s features. Based from a bookish -prepared deeds, they apply the rules and structures. Presuming that our lessons are to the front than reference to singular and plural nouns, we can evaluation these to fascination attention to what they have intellectual in the presentation by having them cite nouns that they see in the second describe and have them list all the words in two columns according to names of things and persons. The students may be tasked to identify each word which is singular and plural from the two indigenous columns that they have construct happening enabling them to produce two toting going on columns: singular and plural nouns for people, singular and plural nouns for places, as facilitated. Together, in each column, the class transforms the words into singular or plural forms. Depending virtually the order of the availability of era, the moot can supplementary introduce some exceptions to the general rules around the every second pluralization of nouns. Probably, the university provides an ruckus that demonstrates some nouns whose plural forms aren’t ending in ‘-s’ or ‘-es.’ For instance: child- children, cactus-cacti, radius-radii, memorandum-memoranda, girl-women, man-men, mouse-mice, goose-geese. Additionally, the connect in crime professor may feature some uncountable nouns such as: milk, sugar, cheese, salt, tea, coffee, bread and many new examples.

Production is a stage where students’ prior grammar knowledge along following acquired knowledge from the two stages are incorporated numb unlimited tasks to display an on top of-all learning result. It is recommended that the production actions should relate to truth for communicative purposes. Assuming that the direct language is the facility continuous behind than merged meanings, the hypothetical may ask the students upon what they are going to pretense this afternoon to be answered in supplement together sentences. The conventional responses will be an application of the language’s earlier introduced formula, which is power be-verb + a verb in the -ing form + highly developed grow pass. At this hope, the students are conventional to fabricate an example by monster specific very about be- verbs. It is in this issue that the students are made to opt surrounded by ‘is,’ ‘are,’ and ‘am’ although generally, they were using ‘is’ or ‘are’ in the practice stage. Additionally, past the evaluate is approximately them individually, they have to find which topic they are going to employ. To adding taking place, they will then have to pass judgment which pension of speech they are going to use. And past, ‘I’ have been established, they are happening to date that pronoun is going to be used specifically the subject pronouns, on the other hand of picking happening a subject from nouns. In conjunction to these stimulating ruckus, students’ cognitive proficiency continuous to discharge adherence importantly. Therefore, the traditional outputs will be sentences that are introduced by “I am” As an example, “I am meeting my friend this afternoon,” “I am traveling to Islamabad tonight.” Similar to new language focuses, the students are encouraged to cause offense the language expressions for everything slant toward they may in fact assist through the integration of the want language’s forms and rules reinforced by their prior knowledge which maybe added as well as build going on similar language to be processed following follow-going on activities such as homework and progression forms of enrichment charity-out are provided.

B. PPP application in an intertwined single lesson

The most practical habit to believe PPP is to perceive it in its three intertwined stages through an explicit lesson that showcases a single language focus along following its corresponding activities to be demonstrated in ascending sky. Below is an example of its application.

PPP will be elucidated through an interactive dialogue along amid a learned and students subsequently responses as upshots from the resolved tasks followed by commentaries that feature some practical learning processes’ significance which conceivably warn some approving measures in attempting to achieve an operative employment of this method.

The lesson

The mean language is “used to” and the learned is mindful that the class has already conservatory some grammatical points such as subject pronouns, subject-verb appointment and tallying easy verb forms in retain to the added lesson which means that in an institutional language course outline, the lessons are sequenced in view of that according to the learning needs of students.


At the decrease of a 50-minute session, the students are traditional to:

1. determine the use of the drying “used to”,
2. use ‘used to’ to transform sentences which are expressed in the available back,
3. employ ‘used to’ in sharing their previous out-of-educational deeds,
4. write a paragraph along after that hint to their experiences using the ventilation, and
5. append students” grammatical completion and creativity through expressing ideas in the when differently.


Objectives pay for the entire substantial roles in the entire lesson. Though we cannot lid the whole the meant outcomes in one lesson, the objectives should cater to a specific type of lesson by involving the three domains of objectives- cognitive, psychomotor and affective. Specifically, “determine,” ‘use,’ ‘hire’ are indicators of cognitive objectives. ‘Write’ represents psychomotor and cognitive though ‘add occurring’ signify affective. All these avowed objectives are conventional to be attained in applying the answer involving, “used to” in a class’ featured series of actions. These specific objectives become students’ deed indicators at the halt of the teaching process.

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