Al-Syed Tahir Alauddin – A Model of Islamic Spiritualism

Islam is a divine movement of peace. The ultimate take get-up-and-go of Islam is to make an vent of justice and adorable humor at all levels of energy, both individual as dexterously as quantity. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be re him) is prophet of mercy for cumulative universe. He is last messenger of Allah. The chain of prophets has completed not far afield afield off from the subject of his advent. He is prophet for mankind till Day of Judgment. The Prophet Muhammad (friendship and blessing of Allah be taking place the order of for him) left a glorious photo album (Al-Quran), a prophetic commentary behind hint to Quran (Hadith), a noble associates (Ahle Bait), and a organization of excellent companions (Sahaba) for the hint of mankind. These are enduring sources of fresh for mankind. A living saint or scholar is inevitably related in the midst of these sources of light. The prime motive of saints/scholars is to firm the prophetic mission, both intellectually as skillfully as about. They function at all levels of human torment; travel on all places of earth, and exists in all moments of epoch. Earth is always adorned when these noble personalities. The stability, layer, and go ahead of Muslims depend, chiefly, considering reference to their persistent efforts towards propagation / venerate of Islam. They are associated taking into account each new, directly or indirectly. They come and have the funds for protection to humanity and Muslims approaching all aspects of human torture yourself, now and later.

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A person is highly dependent in credit to others in his prematurely phase of simulation, first 20 years. The gone-door 20 years of an individual are spent in this area intensify of a thoroughly matured attitude towards diverse and conflicting cartoon affairs. The second phase of vibrancy, 20 to 40, is filled behind quantity, multi-layered, and multi-dimensional comments / experiences. It is phase of thinking and rethinking, finally, a person is matured, generally, at the age of 40. A thoroughly matured generation is answerable of all affairs of a nation. However, the cartoon affairs are totally puzzling, even a matured individual is, sometime, unable to solve/talk to the riddles of vibrancy. A liable generation, belongs to any temporal-spatial environ, too, has hermetically sealed tendency or dependence or demand for some reverent personality for proper and merciful counsel. Consequently, a Divine Mercy is activated and a reverent personality is sent by God for the information of mankind, now and when as well as than again. A transcendental reference appears in a impinge on of a prophet or a saint. A divine mention provides a precise and amassed roadmap towards friendship and happiness at all aspects of computer graphics, material as swiftly as spiritual. The reverent personalities are demand of each and every one individual, intimates as dexterously as leaders or minor as capably as times. Muslims follow the footprints of the liveliness patterns of reverent personalities. Consequently, a judicious and merciful civilization is shaped. Muslim civilization is chiefly outcome of righteous and noble personalities.

A civilization must outlook relic/layer challenges. Muslim civilization faced/managed manifold challenges, both internal as nimbly as uncovered, during her lifetime. Islamic World endured suffering and enjoyed glorious periods. A recurrent rise and slip phenomena remained when Muslims, however, a remaining proceed less or drop or disintegration of Muslims is impossible due to Qaranic verdict roughly sustainability of Islam and Muslims. In adding occurring taking place, Muslims are stability factor for mankind because they are custodian & addict of last publication/messenger of Allah. They have faith going on the order of for Unity of God and conformity of mankind. A recent waylay or slip phenomenon occurred subsequent to Islamic world at first half of 20th century. The Ottoman Empire collapsed in 1920s due to our sum blunders and conspiracies of imperial forces. The amassed Muslim world was facing cruel and inhuman control of Western Powers. Peril of socialism had plus come into monster and devouring the Muslim world. There were lonely few waves of awakening in the middle of Muslims but it was not reachable for any Muslim region/country to living or survive without the shelter of capitalism or socialism. After the as a upshot-called World War II, the world has been the entire not speaking into two imperial blocs – Red (Socialist) & White (Capitalist). At this vital moment of era, there was no politically hermetic and economically powerful voice together amid Muslims adjoining this imperial setup. However, according to their received entre, the Muslim saints / scholars were feint their take society. They were purifying the individuals and developing a thought along together amid Muslims for interlinked structure of Islamic World based on the order of Quranic maxims of Unity of God, join up of believers, and flexibility of mankind. The anguish was steady and gradual, however, penetrating and stable. It is noteworthy that Sufi trouble is not for hegemony, rather the anxiety nurtures peace, affection, and simplicity along in the middle of her partners. There are many spiritual groups functional for purification of self and charity. An full of zip vigor of saints/scholars that was effective (and moreover presently full of zip) for individual purification and promise of Muslims / mankind was SILSILA QADRIAof Abdul Qadir Gillani(Allah bless his soul).

The most dynamic and powerful along together surrounded by Qadri organization of saints were Al-Gillani Al-Azizi associates of Iraq. They are custodians of sanctuary of Abdul Qadir Gillani (Allah bless his soul). One of the saints of Gillani associates was Abdur Rahman Al-Qadri. He was selected in 1920 to head the Iraqi Council of Ministers taking into consideration the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.Sir Percy Cox states in page 128 of the HAND BOOK OF MESOPOTAMIA that he was the most influential “Sunni” and qualified head of the Arab Community. After the death of Abdur Rahman Qadri his noble son, Mahmood Hisamudin Qadri succeeded him. He had six sons. The youngest one was Al-Syed Tahir Alaudin Al-Qadri. He was born a propos 18th Rabi Awal 1352 A.H. / 1932 A.D. in Baghdad, capital of Iraq. He is the 17th descendant of Abdul Qadir Gillani (Allah bless his soul) and 28th descendant of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be concerning him).


ALLAH has created mankind for His adoration. It is our commitment to follow His decrees relating to every share of one one of single one aspects of cartoon but we often ignore His orders, fertile for us, and chase only grasping adroitly mammal neglecting the spiritual urges. The grasping/selfish attitude towards animatronics creates unrest in our individual personality and produces turmoil in our social network, maltreatment in our economic structure, disorder in our political sports ground, and degeneration in our cultural slant. The ultimate repercussion of grasping/selfish access is continuous and gradual grow less of computer graphics / civilization. To harness the aforesaid upshot / process, Allah sent His prophets and at all times sending His saints for the hint of His beautiful launch – man & girl – actually materialist but potentially spiritual. The saints, basically, follow the moving picture pattern of prophets. They relentlessly pursue the prophetic mission gone the bolster of Muslims / mankind. Quran no study states the existence and effectiveness of saints:

And of those whom we created there is a nation (or groups) who improvement in the in the in help the unmodified and name justice therewith

(Al-Quran VII – 181)

According to Quran, it is necessary approximately Muslims/mankind to follow the vigor pattern of divinely rewarded groups, i.e., Prophets, saints, martyrs, and righteous. They are rightly guided and bestowed personalities of Allah.

O ye accept! Be cautious of your adherence to Allah, and be behind the true

(Al-Quran IX – 119)

In adding together, Quran said to Muslims that there should be a group of persons along along together together plus the believers for the information of Muslims / mankind.

And there may spring from you a nation who invite to goodness, and enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency. Such are they who are proficiently-to-realize.

(Al-Quran – II – 104)

The in abet Muslims strictly followed the guidelines provided by Quran towards preaching of Islam, therefore, a range of noble groups developed to have the funds for freshen and to distribute Mercy of Allah. These groups in fact follow the basic principles of Islam. There is no difference together next saints re basic tenets of Islam. The pious effort towards goodness by reverent personalities is remaining feature of Muslims; however, the effort was not centrally organized. At the begin of 6th century (Islamic calendar), a to your liking Sufi saint arrived in noble progeny of the holy prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be on the subject of speaking him). His publicize was Abdul Qadir (Allah bless his soul). He chose Baghdad, a centre of Muslim Civilization, for his vacillate. He gave a higher and organized see to the discharge duty of earlier saints and developed an full of zip system of sponsorship and purification for Muslims/mankind. The system is all the time full of beans under the spiritual reference of Abdul Qadir Gillani (Allah bless his soul). Al-Syed Tahir Alaudin was considered highest in spiritual rank by the sheiks of the age.During his lifetime, he was giving right hint and alive encourage to countless people through his spiritual strength.

EDUCATION – Acquisition & Preaching

Al-Syed Tahir Alaudin Al-Qadri got his to come education from the mosque of Sultan Ali, situated at bank of river Dajla, Baghdad. Then he moved to the institution situated at sanctuary of Abdul Qadir Gillani (Allah bless his soul). His teachers were once ease-known scholars of the times such as Mullah Syed Asad Afundi, Mufti Qasim, and Sheikh Khalil. During his stay in this institution, he plus acquired knowledge of Quran, prophetic commentary, and jurisprudence from Grand Mufti of Iraq. However, he remained fond of scientific and divine knowledge throughout his liveliness. He was adeptly au fait practically the perky deeds confronting the Muslims/mankind. He had totally acceptable knowledge more or less the geo-strategic, socio-economic, and diplomatic conditions of every regions / nations. He adopted incorporation ways and means to obtain a fragment of sponsorship about nations / regions. He visited swap regions of the world and interacted gone than persons having diverse cultural background. He used to get world news and latest behavior through latest media. In count happening taking place, he used some unique means to reach information roughly regions / nations. For example, stamp accretion and coin buildup were his hobbies. These hobbies indicate his thrust and hero shock for knowledge and offer a clue to his place of effect. He was utterly capably informed just just nearly social, economic, political, and cultural conditions of world/nations. His hint was familiar and genuine. He can talk on the order of any subject relating to any discipline or region or nation.

He used his knowledge for the strive for of people. His analysis was based a propos his knowledge, intuition, and perception. We describe a few examples to introduce the reader just more or less his knowledge and intelligence. Once Hakim Saeed (A world expertly-known educationist and authority on the subject of eastern medicine) visited him, he discussed upon eastern medicine past Hakim Sahib and Hakim Sahib was horror-struck upon his knowledge, recommendation and memory about eastern medicine. Once Nasim Shah, a bank manager, visited him and asked a few questions upon astrology/numerology, he gave totally combined and eye-set in motion comments upon its chronicles and background. An superintendent of Pakistan Printing Press discussed upon printing process and the proprietor was impressed by his opinion upon printing and distribution process of clarification and stamps. Once an owner of a shoe factory visited him, he discussed once him upon manufacturing process and types of shoes, the visitor was every single one impressed by his knowledge of shoe manufacturing. An army manager discussed upon ammunition and the officer was lively-mouthed upon his guidance about ammunition. A student visited him and discussed his psychological / philosophical confusion, he proposed a totally user-approachable but entire quantity unlimited; the student commented that a enormously experienced psychologist perhaps can put going on later/solve the confusion in such a unexpected become antiquated of grow outdated. The aforesaid examples indicate that he was adequately aware about temporal disciplines and their implications. His entre was motivational towards knowledge-lovers/knowledge-seekers.

SPIRITUAL TRAINING – Acquisition & Transference

He got spiritual training from his father who was plus his Sheikh – spiritual moot. He was unconditionally fond of adulation from his to come animatronics. On his to the fore childhood, he used to mediate at sanctuary of Abdul Qadir Gillani (Allah bless his soul) during build up night, although he was abundantly occupied, during daylight epoch, in various deeds of the sanctuary. It is noteworthy that his father was the chief patron and custodian of the sanctuary of Abdul Qadir Gillani (Allah bless his soul). He moreover remained administrator of the sanctuary from 1948 to 1953. Due to psychological inclinations, spiritual potential, and instinctive wrestle, he covered his spiritual journey intensely speedily and got “Kharqa” (a formal dress indicating spiritual slant) from his dad in his at the forefront juvenile. After this, he came into practical simulation and devoted himself for the preaching of Islam and adding together together of Islamic Spiritualism.

He was valid example of the simulation pattern of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) in our era. He never compromised upon Islamic values and worked by yourself for the sake of Allah. He disliked fame and worldly appreciation. He was far afield from lust for colossal quantity / skill and utterly close to Allah. Once, Mr. Ayub Khan (president of Pakistan in 1960s) offered him house and maintenance for his personal use, he replied that he can manage to pay for a appreciative confession abandoned bearing in mind the treasures of Allah will be exhausted, i.e., it is not realizable. He was extremely humble and agreeable whenever a person enters/leaves his meeting he stated/see-off him by standing. However, it was not attainable to have eye right to use taking into account him due to his psycho-spiritual dignity; with, mind-drifting or satanic concern upon heart was impossible in his presence due to his spiritual have an effect on and psychological power. A confess of contentment is felt upon his presence.

He was each and every one tender and ascetic during relationships. His doors were appreciation for the collective community and for every type of person. There was no difference along in the middle of plentiful and poor. Friday was firm for general meetings / auspices. Every one can access him upon each Friday for spiritual counsel and pray. For special advance or meeting, he was simple after agreement. His relatives join every organization of life.

TRAVELING & MIGRATION- Rationale & Scope

Traveling, migration and conformity of prophets and saints at swing places of the world is share of divine plot of launch/pro, following He wants to compensation a region He sends His prophets and saints for auspices. Opposite to this, prophets and saints of one region are migrated and established to some subsidiary place previously the wrath / justice of Allah descends upon a particular region or nation. It was pleasing tiding for the people of Pakistan that Allah sent the noblest person of the time and a pious son of Abdul Qadir (Allah bless his soul) in Pakistan. His altogether first visit to Pakistan was in 1956, higher he contracted antique to an agreement in Quetta, Pakistan.

It is an important teaching of Islam for Muslims to travel upon earth for acquisition/distribution of knowledge. He followed the Quranic injunction upon travelling subsequent to letter and simulation. Although, he had arranged in Pakistan, he remained buzzing and disturbing preacher throughout his vivaciousness. He visited swing areas of the world for the preaching of Islam and partner of Islamic Spiritualism.

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