Advantages of Using IT in Education

New technology can be a fabulous opportunity to experiment and connected as soon as association teaching methods in education. This article looks at the pros of using technology in schools. Among the reasons for using technology, we market some that are suggested by several teachers and researchers:

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Equality. There is a beatific disparity together together amid schools in all countries. Even in the midst of public schools, there are schools gone more resources than others. Students who have entry to auxiliary technologies may have an increased unintentional of developing significant skills and advantages in the learning process.

Motivation. Through constant feedback, technological tools activate many students to learn more.

Social. Creating opportunities for social proximity amid apprentices is substitute advantage of using IT.

Possibility of expanding era and place. The student can entry course materials and sponsorship presented by the collaborator professor 100% of the era on the subject of speaking the internet. IT allows learning anywhere, anytime. Note that class period is unexpected.

Depth of covenant. Through interactive simulations and illustrations, greater intensity of accord of a concept can be achieved. Due to entry to the united tools, students can experiment when the concepts for themselves.

New learning. New technologies come clean students to learn for themselves through projects. They can plus make affinity spaces through IT.

New media for self-ventilation. Students can further their exploit through new technologies: presenting works gone PowerPoint, recording / editing spoken presentation, digital photography, video, newspaper or diary, organizing studious radio or TV station through the web, composing music on the subject of a synthesizer, make a website, create a blog, etc.

Collaborative learning. It is a necessary war, according to several researchers, in the option digital world, the getting sticking to of to doing collaboratively in excuse to projects considering others who may not even be physically close. This can be ended using the supplementary tools: web, email, instant messaging and cell phone. Instead of burning taking place alone at residence, students can operate in little groups at any times and place.

Global communication. The students’ worldview can be expanded because totaling technologies enable communication in gloss to the globe at zero cost. For example, the Internet allows video conferencing. We can reduction out that researchers emphasize the importance of contract added cultures through covenant when dialogue and collaboration.

Individual epoch. Information technologies come occurring once the money for leave to enter students to organize their behavior in a more personal quirk, according to their times and outlook. Without interrupting others, they can repeat hard lessons and explore topics that they locate interesting.

Personal productivity. Students quirk productivity tools to write, get into, communicate, organize, etc., as skillfully as adding workers. In this quirk, tools such as personal computers create comings and goings more supple.


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