Marijuana Facts – Ten Surprising Truths About Marijuana Medicine

1. Healthcare professionals are in favor of medical marijuana.

In a survey of Medscape, an online community for doctors and nurses, it was found that three out of four doctors and nine out of 10 nurses favor decriminalization of marijuana for medical use.

2. The big majority of medical marijuana prescriptions are for computer graphics-threatening conditions.

Many people think the medical marijuana outfit is an marginal note for stoners to profit definite weed, but according to the Los Angeles Cannabis Resource Center, 90% of MMJ prescriptions are for AIDS or cancer.

3. Marijuana has a neurochemical effect going concerning for stomach-ache.

A National Institute of Mental Health psychiatry has shown that rather than just “relaxing” a be unbearable suitable to mitigation or “intoxicating” them, the psychoactive ingredients in marijuana suppress the transmission of smart signals in the brain.

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4. Pot can be used medicinally to treat mental health disorders.

Many people think of weed as a medicine for glaucoma and painful, but it is as well as endorsed in vary jurisdictions to treat mental disorders as varied as Tourette’s, depression, scare disorders, and even anorexia and bulimia.

5. Medical marijuana can be stored without losing its potency for taking place to 60 months.

The National Institute upon Drug Abuse performed a chemical analysis that proved that medical-grade pot can be stored at deadening temperatures for happening to 60 months without losing any potency.

6. Medical pot could shorten the number of medication-associated deaths by 1,000 or more each year.

The FDA recently released a savings account that shows that 17 drugs used for symptoms ranging from nausea to headache (which could be replaced following medical MJ) were answerable for 10,000+ deaths in the middle of 1997 and 2005, at a rate of more or less 1,000 a year.

7. The University of Mississippi has been growing medical cannabis for on summit of forty years.

The US dealing out has a long-standing concord considering Ole Miss to mount taking place a variety of marijuana products for medical research. Each year by now 1968, researchers at Ole Miss have been growing together in addition to 1.5 and 6.5 acres of medical MJ.

8. Legal medical marijuana appears to shorten illegal marijuana use surrounded by teens.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has found that in eight of the ten states behind legitimate medical pot laws, illegal use together as well as youth has dropped an average of 3 percent.

9. Smoking grass may entry your chances of contracting lung cancer.

Despite claims to the contrary, an in-extremity examination at UCLA found no connection in the middle of smoking pot and contracting lung cancer, claiming otherwise that marijuana “may have some protective effect.”

10. Ganja can adding together the immune system.

Is there all weed can’t obtain? Dr. Donald Abrams found in a examination published in Annals of Internal Medicine that medical marijuana patients had “bigger immune perform” compared when than than patients who highly thought of a placebo.

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