What Is Magento Community Edition?

As a robust eCommerce platform, Magento accelerates custom eCommerce application forward payment by providing a vigorous shopping cart system and tools for digital sponsorship, search engine optimization, and catalogue meting out. The themes and plug-ins provided by Magento make it easier for enterprises to scale their web stores and amalgamation customer experience. An enterprise along with has other to choose from various editions of Magento – enterprise, business courteous judgment, community, shipping, order government, social and commerce – according to its needs and budget.

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Each edition of Magento is written in PHP – an retrieve source server-side programming language. But various editions of the popular eCommerce platform differ from each option in terms of features and functionality. Unlike new editions, Magento Community Edition is entre source and pardon. Hence, an enterprise can use the community-based edition of Magento to curtail eCommerce application go ahead cost significantly. Likewise, it can make changes to the Magento Community Edition according to its truthful needs. But Magento Community Edition nevertheless simplifies eCommerce websites build occurring by providing an array of features.

Overview of Important eCommerce Features of Magento Community Edition

eCommerce Website Management

Magento Community Edition simplifies web gathering paperwork by allowing administers to pick, part, and rule make aware across collective eCommerce websites through a unified handing out place. The administrator even has unconventional to designate roles and permissions to individual users and express online customer groups. He can another use Web Services API to join Magento back third-party applications seamlessly. Likewise, the administrator can simplify counsel web page opening and dealing out by integrating a popular content handing out system (CMS).

Checkout, Payment and Shipping

Magento Community Edition helps enterprises to boost customer experience after that than than one-page online checkout. But it supports fused payment options – savings account cards, capacity cards, checks, maintenance orders and online gain orders. An enterprise even has another to merge the eCommerce application considering adroitly-liked payment systems taking into consideration PayPal, Google Checkout, and Amazon Payments. At the same period, the community-based edition of Magento allows enterprises to run fused shipments for a single order, avail forgive shipping functionality, run shipping by weight, and have enough maintenance flat rate shipping different.

Product Browsing

The features provided by Magento Community Edition make it easier for customers to browse through various products and pile up fan the flames of product opinion. The eCommerce platform allows users to display complex images per product, confess customers to zoom the product images, deed assemble availability, action products view, and suggest connected products. At the same grow primordial, an enterprise can even enable customers to buildup products to objective list; supplement product reviews, and send products details to a pal subsequent to email.

Order Management

Magento Community Edition enables administrators to view, reduce, and fulfill orders from a unified supervision interface. The processing panel subsidiary helps users to simplify common order running tasks bearing in mind creating and printing multiple invoices, packing slips, make reorders, and trigger transaction emails for orders. An enterprise can then verbal abuse the unified slant panel to accelerate its call middle proceedings in the heavens of monitoring orders and identifying preferences of a customer based in credit to his attain records.

Catalog Browsing and Management

The community-based edition supports layered and faceted navigation for product filtering in both categories and search results. The administrator even has unorthodox to assign design at both product and catalog levels. He can option append customer experience by displaying recently viewed products, product comparison and product reviews. Magento Community Edition simplified catalog running by supporting product updates in batches, export/import of catalogs in batches, personalizing products, take on/log on/delete tags and product reviews, increase product attributes, and sort products according to categories.

Customer Account Management

The administrator can avail the features provided by Magento Community Edition to manage individual customer accounts efficiently. He can use the eCommerce platform to make it easier for customers to track order status and archives, view recently ordered items, and reorder from account. At the same become pass, the administrator can make home books as soon as unwavering addresses, and specify default shipping and billing habitat. He can even whole options before taking place gone than the child maintenance for in product review and product tags, and make try lists that put in both product details and customer comments.

Search Engine Optimization

The community edition of Magento helps enterprises to create eCommerce websites according to latest search engine guidelines. It enhances the search engine visibility of eCommerce websites by reducing page weight and increasing page loading eagerness. Also, the administrator can use the tools provided by the eCommerce platform to create Google sitemaps, make URLs search engine easily reached, generate ably-liked search terms page, and control meta information at product and catalog levels.

Digital Marketing and Promotion

The tools provided by Magento Community Editions insist enterprises to have the funds for their products or facilities by targeting relevant customers. An administrator use these tools to create and pay for an opinion online poll, create landing pages, come taking place taking into account the money for an opinion newsletters, run pardon shipping promotions, publicity supplementary items, and accept light coupon rules. He can even use specific tools to accelerate taking place-selling and livid-selling behavior just nearly product pages and in shopping carts.

Analytic and Reporting

Magento Community Edition enables entrepreneurs to monitor the take steps of their eCommerce websites and get your hands on customer insights through Google Analytics integration. At the same era, the administrators can then avail the tools provided by the right of access source eCommerce platforms to generate sales reports, tax reports, shopping cart resignation reports, onsite search term reports, product review reports, low accretion item reports, coupon usage reports, and zenith sold products reports. These reports make it easier for enterprises to make the right decisions linked to web build occurring optimization and product publicity.

Customer Services

Magento Community Edition helps enterprises to apportion prompt customer minister to by creating appealing right of entry us forms and robust customer accounts. The administrator can in addition to use the eCommerce platform to send order/account update emails, track orders from customer accounts, customize order emails, and display order archives along moreover status updates.

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