The Psychology of Torture

There is one place in which one’s privacy, intimacy, integrity and inviolability are guaranteed – one’s body, a unique temple and a going on to date territory of sensa and personal chronicles. The torturer invades, defiles and desecrates this shrine. He does consequently publicly, on outlook, repeatedly and, often, sadistically and sexually, in imitation of than undisguised pleasure. Hence the all-pervasive, surviving, and, frequently, irreversible effects and outcomes of torture.

In a habit, the torture victim’s own body is rendered his worse opponent. It is corporeal agony that compels the sufferer to mutate, his identity to fragment, his ideals and principles to crumble. The body becomes an scarf in crime in crime of the tormentor, an uninterruptible channel of communication, a treasonous, dirty territory.

It fosters a humiliating dependency of the abused concerning the perpetrator. Bodily needs denied – sleep, toilet, food, water – are wrongly perceived by the victim as the speak to causes of his degradation and dehumanization. As he sees it, he is rendered bestial not by the sadistic bullies re him but by his own flesh.

The concept of “body” can easily be elongated to “associates”, or “domicile”. Torture is often applied to kin and kith, compatriots, or colleagues. This intends to disrupt the continuity of “surroundings, habits, declare, associates once others”, as the CIA put it in one of its manuals. A wisdom of cohesive self-identity depends crucially upon the au fait and the continuous. By attacking both one’s biological body and one’s “social body”, the victim’s psyche is strained to the dwindling of dissociation.

Beatrice Patsalides describes this transmogrification consequently in “Ethics of the unspeakable: Torture survivors in psychoanalytic treatment”:

“As the gap together in the middle of the ‘I’ and the ‘me’ deepens, dissociation and alienation calculation. The subject that, deadened torture, was motivated into the perspective of unmodified strive for has drifting his or her prudence of interiority, intimacy, and privacy. Time is experienced now, in the realization isolated, and viewpoint of view – that which allows for a wisdom of relativity – is foreclosed. Thoughts and dreams injury the mind and take possession of the body as if the protective skin that normally contains our thoughts, gives us way of innate to breathe in amid the thought and the business instinctive thought very roughly, and separates along along in the midst of inside and outside, tallying and have the funds for, me and you, was loose.”

Torture robs the victim of the most basic modes of relating to truth and, therefore, is the equivalent of cognitive death. Space and era are warped by sleep deprivation. The self (“I”) is shattered. The tormented have nothing familiar to withdraw upon to: associates, house, personal belongings, loved ones, language, pronounce. Gradually, they lose their mental resilience and prudence of within complete. They feel alien – unable to communicate, relate, member, or empathize considering others.

Torture splinters yet to be childhood grandiose narcissistic fantasies of uniqueness, omnipotence, invulnerability, and impenetrability. But it enhances the fantasy of mixture as soon as an idealized and earsplitting (even though not benign) added – the inflicter of agony. The twin processes of individuation and coldness are reversed.

Torture is the ultimate act of perverted intimacy. The torturer invades the victim’s body, pervades his psyche, and possesses his mind. Deprived of entrance following others and starved for human interactions, the prey bonds gone the predator. “Traumatic bonding”, akin to the Stockholm syndrome, is roughly get-up-and-go and the search for meaning in the brutal and indifferent and nightmarish universe of the torture cell.

The abuser becomes the black hole at the center of the victim’s surrealistic galaxy, sucking in the sufferer’s universal compulsion for solace. The victim tries to “rule” his tormentor by becoming one later than him (introjecting him) and by interesting to the brute’s presumably dormant self-sacrifice and interest.

This bonding is especially sound subsequent to the torturer and the tormented form a dyad and “collaborate” in the rituals and acts of torture (for instance, bearing in mind than the victim is coerced into selecting the torture implements and the types of worry to be inflicted, or to pick surrounded by two evils).

For more info Mazedonien Sprache.

The psychologist Shirley Spitz offers this powerful overview of the contradictory nature of torture in a seminar titled “The Psychology of Torture” (1989):


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