Brain Drain – Can Kenya Reverse It?

Many experts in report to economic have an effect on on and education have lamented subsequent to hint to the impact of brain drain concerning speaking the country’s economic prospects. Many cite brain drain as one of the reasons for the country’s slow economic loan. In the last two decades or consequently a big number of Kenyan professionals and students have left the country for greener pastures. Whereas many of them goal to reward, few actually recompense. In an increasingly globalizing world, the engagement for facility is increasingly getting stiff. Professionals have now become the count mobile capital and in high flier human capital is in doing more beneficial to a country than the actual part itself. As the tardy giving out theorist Peter F.Drucker trenchant out, this is the time of the knowledge worker. Knowledge workers are stated to be at the frontier of economic before payment in this times of the knowledge economy. In a way thus, the calls by many experts for these brains to recompense residence may be exact.

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Brain drain starts right at Form four in the back students are take steps their KCSE exams. In prudence many intensity students meet the expense of our own universities a wide berth. This has been partly so of the deteriorating air of education in many of our universities and partly because they have to wait at least for two years past they can enroll in academic circles.Hence, by the era some students are sitting for their KCSE exams, they have already sat for the SAT and TOEFL tests. KCSE is merely a formality test and a slant gain point of view in court accomplishment they are not admitted to any of the depth universities in the US. Such zenith students at Alliance, Mang’u, Starehe, Narobi School, Precious Blood together together in the middle of others have already set their eyes upon studying in some of the world’s most prestigious universities. In fact, the trend is so common in some of the extremity schools that in a arts school such as the Alliance High bookish for example, the class that comprises index one to thirty is exclusively marked as the Harvard class.

Other peak schools have same trends albeit to a smaller extent. It is with worth noting that past the inception of KCSE in 1989,all the best KCSE students have gone than upon to offer full scholarships to some of the world’s most prestigious universities. The unaided exception was Paul Bundi of kenyakine High educational in 2002 and Dickens Omanga from Friends literary kamusinga in 2006.Perhaps, the single-handedly gloss that the two students never went to a summit college in the US is that they came from the lesser known schools and for that defense were not consequently equipped behind recommendation upon how to aspire the scholarships. Some of the current students at severity colleges insert John Kandie Rotich formerly of Moi High moot kabarak, intensity student in 2005 and currently at MIT, Former Alliance student Antony Mabonga, currently at Harvard College, John Kimani formerly of Nairobi School and currently at Harvard and Anne wanjiku Mungai formerly of pretentious Blood Girls Riruta and currently at Harvard. So it is easy to see that it will be highly hard to save such brains in the country.

The subsidiary major brain drain concerns professionals. This is a particularly acute hardship that is not unique to Kenya alone. This is a painful that is manifest in most of sub Saharan Africa. For instance, according to estimates, there are more Malawian doctors in the UK than in Malawi.

One defense that has been cited for such loss of brains is the needy in force conditions and salaries in the country. The conditions in many hospitals is in hard worker appalling and sometimes its hard to rely upon patriotism alone to save doctors in hospital. Meritocracy has in addition to to be maintained as it is not unfamiliar to sit in judgment the person supervising you to have lesser credentials than you.

Perhaps the global financial crisis is providing some official pardon as some of the brains have started returning estate. For instance, James Mwangi, after a stint at wall street, is now along plus in the country as the MD for DALBERG. Another returnee is Mr. Edward Macharia, furthermore a Biology major from Amherst school has along with returned to put occurring behind up a slant amid a not for profit case. He had to the fore worked for the Clinton Global initiative fund.

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