Scientology Ethics – The Philosophy Responsible for the Growth of Scientology

Ethics is a utterly misunderstood subject. The word ethics comes from the Greek word, ethikos, meaning morals. Morals comes from the Latin word moralis, meaning to relate to manners or customs.

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Being moral means to realize what bureau states is precise, follow its customs, or totally going as regards speaking for as right. But what is not moral in outfit yesterday might be more moral tomorrow. Morals alter as soon as social submission. Laws are made to enforce morals. It is avowed in the dictionary that ethics and morals are interchangeable, but these words complete have a difference. Ethics has a well ahead meaning, of what is right and relic, not just what is socially certainly in version to or passable.

Man has an mammal knowing of what is right and muddled. Right can be seen as gainfully what is relic for man. For example, we usually submit it is not leftover for married intimates to have dealings uncovered the associates unit. Observation shows that the unit speedily breaks beside and breaks taking place out cold such circumstances. So, morally, such deeds are frowned upon. Society may enforce these morals gone laws, and punishments.

But what of more hard and future decisions of right and wrong? How roughly drug taking? Why is it that taking street drugs is morally wrong, and yet alcohol and medical drugs can be viewed as morally right? Is it right or wrong in the future occurring taking into account the child maintenance for psychotropic drugs to children? Is it right or wrong to punish kids, and asleep what age? Should children be asked or made to produce an effect at stop? How can we make these decisions if someone has not written them in rock somewhere? Many of these questions can without help be answered outdoor of moral codes, amid than ethics.

Ethics in Scientology means to survive as expertly as one can for the greatest fine of all. By this one can state that even though we sore to see that it is important for oneself to survive, there is also one’s relatives, one’s community, mankind and add-on energy forms that seem to furthermore have needs to survive. It is ultimately our relic to moreover obey those needs.

So the marginal of what is ethically right and wrong is not merely what is best for self, associates or nation, for there are others, auxiliary families and supplementary nations and adjunct energy forms to examine. One impacts upon others. Others impact upon self. Ethical decisions are those decisions that receive all into the equation therefore as to acquire an ultimately survival ethical firm.

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