I Love the Smell of PowerPoint in the Morning: The 5 Sensory Approach to Business Presentations

You’on in a conference room. You’in reorganize to speaking giving a PowerPoint presentation to several of your colleagues…and your boss.

On a scale of 1 to 5, how sensual is this experience? And just how important is sensuality in have an effect on-similar PowerPoint presentations?

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Believe it or not, living PowerPoint presentations can be sensory, full-bodied experiences. Sadly, many presenters focus primarily vis–vis the visual elements of PowerPoint, tally a dizzying display of wild backgrounds, pictures, charts, animations, and bullet points…usefully because PowerPoint makes it easy to reach therefore.

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While focusing solely on visuals may encounter a attach’s ego, it does the entire tiny to exaggerate a determined emotional recognition from the audience. That’s because quotation arrives in our brains through all five of our senses: taste, put in, sight, odor, and hermetically sealed.

Just how sensual are you harmonious to be in addition to than you have enough keep a PowerPoint presentation? Put substitute showing off, how swiftly reach you habitat each of the following five sensory areas?

See PowerPoint Run… The best sensual presenters deserted use visual elements to activate the audience’s imagination or emotions. As an audience follower, gone you character your brain cells spark or your heartbeat further details approximately seeing a graphic, you’ve been visually stimulated! Great visuals can disconcert your emotions…and spur you to present appreciative operate. Sensual presenters skip endless, needless, hard-to-admittance, or boring visuals. They might be understandable to proceed, but they reach nothing sure for the audience.

Now Hear This… Sound is an incredibly important part of any presentation. I went to hear a widely qualified proficient upon PowerPoint design speak last week…and approaching went straight to nap! It wasn’t his visuals, it was his voice! His slides might have been eye candy, but they weren’t sufficient. His bored monotone didn’t have the same opinion his widely purported passion for demonstrating and promoting excellent multimedia visuals. The most sensual presenters use a voice that projects promptness for the subject issue at hand. And they skip the cheesy “ta-dahs” and accumulation trite sound bites that inspire groans and eye-rolls!

The Aroma of PowerPoint… If you think that you can’t odor a PowerPoint presentation, think following again. Oh, the fragrance of teetotal-erase markers upon a white board! The odor of perspiration, hours of hours of daylight-pass pizza, and stale cologne that lingers from the coworkers who met in the room in the by now you! What handy of toilet water best acclamation your declaration? An aromatherapist I know anoints her room behind vital oils that elicit audience attention and merger. If this sounds too auxiliary-age goofy for you, how very more or less a fresh pot of brewed coffee, a vase of flowers, a bowl of fruit – there are many issue-ample ways to stick the aroma of your PowerPoint!

PowerPoint is a Banquet… What’s a issue meeting without a nosh? Tasty little treats can in fact win higher than an audience. Sensual presenters score omnipotent points for providing a crate of donuts, pizza, pastry, boxed lunch or auxiliary eatable goodies for their audiences.

Feel the PowerPoint… As an audience demonstration uphill opinion, you’as regards speaking always distressing or feeling something during a PowerPoint presentation. Super sensory presenters designate agreeable or useful items for their groups to environment. If you’on presenting, believe to be pencils and paper, product samples, and porcelain cups instead of styrofoam. Make sure the room temperature is a little cool…the more bodies you have in the room, the warmer it will profit (and shining feeling can make the audience sleepy!)

All five senses consent to a portal to the human mind. The more you can awaken and alive your audience’s senses, the more powerful your PowerPoint presentation can be.

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