Varieties of Chinese Tea From Fujian Province

Fujian province is one of the key Chinese provinces in tea production. Located upon the southeastern coast of China, the subtropical climate and hilly topography make Fujian ideal for tea production.

For more info da hong pao.

Varieties of Oolong Tea from Fujian:

Fujian has two areas dexterously-known for producing oolong tea: the Wuyi mountains, in the north of the province, and Anxi county, farther south. Anxi tends to manufacture green oolongs, tightly rolled into little pellets, whereas Wuyi tends to manufacture darker ones, once larger, more wiry leaf.

The most ably-known Anxi oolong is Tie Guan Yin, usually translated as “Iron Goddess of Mercy”, but Anxi furthermore produces numerous subsidiary oolong varieties, including ben shan (indigenous mountain), mao xie (hairy crab), rou gui (cinnamon), huang jin gui (golden osmanthus), and qi lan (perplexing orchid). Together, the varieties added than Tie Guan Yin are often lumped together out cold the label “Se Chung” or “Se Zhong”, which means “radiant variety”. Se chung oolongs, swine less without complexity-known, often are within your means relative to their mood, and can meet the expense of outstanding value plus compared to Tie Guan Yin.

Wuyi oolongs united a number of varieties in addition to produced in Anxi, including rou gui and qi lan, as skillfully as a number of varieties more specific to the region, such as da hong pao (big red robe), xiao hong pao (tiny red robe), and shui xian (water sprite).

One new region of Fujian important in oolong production is Yongchun county, which produces yongchun fo shou (Buddha’s palm) oolong.

Varieties of black tea from Fujian:

In China, black teas are called “red teas”, reflecting the dark reddish color both of the ascetic leaf and brewed cup. Black teas from Fujian province colleague happening Lapsang Souchong, a smoky tea produced by airing the tea leaves on depth of pine smoke, and golden monkey, a tippy black tea when golden-colored leaf. Many of these black teas in addition to originate in Wuyi.

Types of white teas from this province:

Fujian province dominates white tea production, not on your own in China but worldwide. In Fujian, white tea is mostly produced in a specific region, the northeast, in Fuding and Zhenghe counties. The three most renowned varieties of Fujian white tea are shou mei (longevity eyebrows), bai mu dan (white peony), and bai hao yinzhen (silver needle). In order, these teas range from darker to lighter, and lower caffeine to higher caffeine. Fujian as well as produces subsidiary types of white tea, however, including xue ya (snow buds), a variety more thesame to green tea than most white teas.

Green teas from this region:

Although it is best known for oolongs and black and white teas, Fujian produces a lot of green tea as without mystery, including mao feng and mao jian, as proficiently as examples produced in the style of teas originating in added regions, such as bi luo chun (green snail spring), and sencha (a okay Japanese tea).

In summary:

Fujian produces a tremendous variety of teas, producing (and beast the parentage of) many alternating types of white, green, black, and oolong teas. This article barely scratches the surface; to really buy a grasp of the diversity of teas Fujian has to apportion, you compulsion to sample them for yourself.


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