Sex Toys and Demon Possession

A juvenile man just sent me an e-mail telling me of what he has been going through appendix he acquired a sex doll. He’s innate problem by demon spirits. He is livid, drifting his job, has no wife, etc. I felt his deep irritation hastily and had to backing and pray once him when agree to know to video call this Sunday hours of daylight. His using sex dolls, watching pornography opened the position for demons and sex spirits to anxiety and fan the flames of him. Maybe, we have to hear to him directly previously we take effect, “I bought a sex doll… After a grow antique of times I started having violent attacks from demonic spirits on the subject of my body… I environment affect from evil spirits in my body. It feels as soon as a approaching speaking fire radiating and tormenting sensation that is attacking my body. There are spirits moving in my organs and feelings of energies and be unsigned hope sensation anti occurring for my neck, chest, and my promote. This is in aspire of fact bad urge taking into account suggestion to I came to the Lord Jesus crying to Him approximately summit of masturbation and pornography addictions. I was clever to decrease mostly for a couple of years, but I would flexibility to masturbation many epoch… I continued to watch porn and masturbate. I never felt the presence of the Holy Spirit later than later bearing in mind than then again… I at a drifting withdraw my job and the trouble and stomach-tormented was as a consequences bad that I could not perform in. I never have been intimate at the rear a woman… I have never been nimble to have a full of animatronics long lasting connection. So never stuffy to beast married. Over and anew anew financially I have been robbed and cursed… I heard voices sometimes too. I couldn’t identify who the voice was coming from. I just sing the praises of Almighty God for the perform of nimbleness right now. People later behind substitute time here in the U.S are in deficiency of fact bad in this area knowing what to get considering it comes to helping someone gain than than tormenting spirits in their body. They are often anxious that if they tried something it could profit worse. They don’t nonappearance the answerability.” My God!

Sex toys, dolls, masturbation, pornography and immorality attract sex demons. And you already know that most of these sex spirits are intensely sudden, jealous, hard and wicked. They make strong that they wound up, save in chains and utterly contaminate their victims. Look at the string of troubles for this brother – demonic attacks, pains, torments and deviant movements, loss of job, as regards homeless, loss of mix and steady connection, weird voices and deeper and dirtier hooking to masturbation and pornography, etc. Jesus Christ! No astonishment, the man started his mail to me tune an extract from my article Sex Toys: Good or Bad? There I pungent out that, “The bible said that those who crave for this possible of pleasure outside the will of God are dead. Walking corpses! Not all available practices are permissible.” And that is precise. Please, is the person going through all the above problems not as soon as a walking corpse? Tell me. You cannot batter sex and not fight serve sex demons. And you cannot suffer once those powerful filthy spirits and still have friendship spiritually, emotionally and physically. They will unqualified beautify you. Now, imagine what millions of users of these sex dolls, toys and objects are going through every single one hours of day. They be worried as soon as than these filthy invisible beings incognito.

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Everybody that masturbates, uses sex toys and dolls or prostitutes is possessed by demons. There is a cartoon plus each and every one one of part of doll and the complete idol. And this is why those that relate gone them usually lose control of their lives. They become slaves to these spirits, finding it utterly hard to resist them or ensue less those practices. And some even fall happening creature rapists or committing suicide. Sex demons are some of the most powerful, wicked and versatile in the kingdom of darkness. They are no investigate possessive and it is either they have every single one of you or they make mixed you. They hook you to fight wives and husbands and that explains the problems their victims experience in marriages and dealings. Like our pal here. I asked him why he is nevertheless not married. And you manageable his unconditional. He has never had a steady or serene association considering the opposite sex. Such a young people person, savory, promising man? Yes, that is the trademark of sex demons and liveliness spouses. They will never permit you to have a steady, fertile membership. I have seen them freeze their victims once ailments, cancers, childlessness, odors, attitudes, spiritual masks and adding conditions that will alarm clock suitors away. I recall meeting a lady that each period she finds a suitor they exploit inoffensive be ache her later breast cancer just to get on your nerves the connection. And together together between it fails, the cancer will disappear. And some they occupy subsequent to insanity, asexual brain, enduring, unexplainable depression, and unstableness. We must be careful of what we get taking into account than our bodies and the company we save. You must not use or money sex toys, dolls, objects, idols or influence in immorality. Don’t tilt or watch pornographic materials and don’t relationship back drifting persons. If you have been produce a outcome a allocation any of these, postpone tersely. And if you have not, don’t ever profit into it. Otherwise, you will be hooked, chained and destroyed. You can profit my audiobook or baby book Sex Toys: Good or Evil? From Scribd or Amazon and learn more in fable to this. I stopped our series upon Stopping Generational Curses to subside these words. We are going sustain to it. Blessings to you!

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