Importance of Encryption on the Security of Your Website

Whilst you may not think there is any quirk for you to use an HTML encrypter to guard your website you could be certainly wrong and you may be putting your online issue at risk. The phenomenon of “website hijacking” (the stealing of optional accessory peoples website or content) has been on the order of for a long times but is still on the subject of the accretion.

Website content is hijacked for three main reasons:-

1) To copy the content onto choice website (or even to copy the design / layout itself)

2) To harvest email addresses to be used to send spam to.

3) To discover / steal payment partners therefore that site payment mechanisms can be circumvented and product, in effect, stolen.

Perhaps the most common of the above is the harvesting of email addresses by for that marginal note called spam bots. These bots can navigate your site, log on the content, identify all the email addresses contained within the content and accrual them in databases consequently they can far afield-off along be bombarded together then spam email.

The second most common is the harvesting (i.e. stealing) of content for that marginal note it can be a propos-used a propos added sites. It may just be the content that is stolen or it may be the entire site including design, layout, menus etc. Whilst this may seem taking into account a assertion handed commendation the theft of your hard have emotional impact should not be tolerated (and having too much duplicate content coarsely the web may state-calling your search engine rankings!)

The least common but perhaps most excruciating is the stealing of payment connections as a consequences that they can be circumvented and sales or commissions stolen.

There are several methods of protecting your code in order to prevent theft, these member taking place the use of various scripts (usually JavaScript) to prevent right click functionality and therefore prevent users viewing site source code, Whilst somewhat on the go this method does not prevent the use of automatic software (or bots) to harvest content – the best mannerism to prevent this is to encrypt HTML source code.

For more info 盗u.

The phrase “encrypt HTML source code” may conjure happening panic in many people as it sounds intensely complicated but in realism HTML encrypting has become very easy as there are now many tools contiguously online that will get the HTML encrypting for you without the dependence for any highly developed skills. So in essence how to encrypt HTML is certainly easy:-

1) Go online and locate a HTML encrypter tool (this may in addition to be known as an HTML lock tool)

2) Copy your existing HTML code into the HTML encryption tool

3) The tool will output some encrypted HTML

4) Paste this into your web page (replacing the existing code)

5) You now have an encrypted HTML page!

You may dream to carry out this procedure for all your pages in your site or you may choose to unaccompanied encrypt include, tall importance pages. It is best to realize this upon a proactive basis rather than wait until your site has been compromised – it is too late later!.

HTML encryption will not perform your search engine rankings nor will it sham how the spiders view or crawl your site.

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