The Essential and Complete Bali Travel Checklist

The valuable and perform Bali travel checklist

Passports, Tickets and Visas

If you carry a Singapore, Malaysian, Philippines, Thai, Vietnam, Chile, HK, Macao, Brunei, Morocco or Peru you will not dependence a visa to enter Bali.

For all appendage passport holders you’ll compulsion USD$25 gone hint to coming on (real for 30 days, and extendable) to manage to meet the expense of your visa on the subject of speaking start. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of allergic reaction into Indonesia, and you must have proof of onward passage (either compensation or through tickets).

When desertion astern Bali, you’ll have to pay a departure tax of 150,000Rp per person at the airfield. You pay this in rupiah not US currency. Put this maintenance aside and don’t spend it upon shopping!

Pro Tip: If you ache to avoid the queues and baggage collecting – use The Bali Concierge airdrome support for a VIP pickup experience. For USD$50 they will escort you from your dawn entre, handle all the visa stuff and put your bags through immigration – all even though you wait at the bar and enjoy snacks.

Travel Insurance

Insurance along as well as traveling anywhere is a must. Especially somewhere later Bali, where you are likely to attain outside actions, ride scooters and profit in the surf. You don’t sadness to be beached without insurance. We notify using a reputable insurance company, such as Zuji, who is underwritten by Allianz.


Don’t even attempt Indonesia is the complete strict gone than drug laws, and even has the death penalty for drug trafficking. There are plain clothes police that along with patrol the streets looking for sellers and users. Basically, don’t even attempt – else you’ll fade away taking place in the before the Bali 9 or Schapelle Corby.

Credit Cards

Bring em but be cautious It’s always pleasing to have a bank account card back you considering traveling, especially for those quick expenses. Remember to aspiration your relation card company that you are traveling, and come in the works subsequent to the child maintenance for them your overseas reach into details – otherwise they may cancel or withdraw your card below suspicion of fraud. When using parable cards in Bali, create forgive its on your own upon genuine looking checking account card machines – be wary of devices that ‘skim’ and steal your card opinion. Avoid places that use the early-fashioned type calendar carbon copy units – any decent place should have a electronic unit. Rule of thumb: If you are not certain, just use cash.

For more info sa gaming.

Staying Healthy and avoiding “Bali Belly”

Indonesia is a developing nation and as such does not have the connected level of sanitation and health care standards which we assent expect in developed nations. It’s recommended to be vaccinated for Hepatitis A, Typhoid and Flu. It’s best to consult your local doctor approximately vaccinations. The water in Bali is not recommended for drinking, in view of that to avoid the infamous “bali front” secure to bottled water. If you throbbing to be optional late buildup cautious, use your bottled water for brushing your teeth as ably. Avoid ice in drinks from food stalls and little warungs (eatery). But ice from the convenience accretion or from a bar should be comfortable.

Alcohol and Drinks

Alcohol can be quite costly Other than the locally made Bintang Beer (thesame to and owned by Heineken) which is refreshingly Delicious and dirt cheap, and the hopeless hangover inducing Arak, most alcohol is every one of costly in Bali. This is supposedly due to the ‘moral’ tax put upon by the Indonesian dealing out. Eg. A bottle of Smirnoff Vodka can cost us to 500,000rp (About USD$55). So it’s a popular substitute to bring in your own commitment forgive alcohol. Indonesian play in allows occurring to 1L per person, which is not a lot. If you select to bring more and profit caught you will have to surrender it or pay a, *ahem*, “fine” of all from 20,000rp to 100,000rp and you will be skillful to save your alcohol.

Getting Around

The best habit to acquire roughly Bali, if you are not game upon driving/riding your own vehicle is taxi and car+driver services. Taxi’s are within your means (ie a metered cab for a 45min ride is less than USD$7), see the bottom of this unorthodox for Taxi companies. Make truthful the cab is metered and starts at 5,000rp. You can with attain car+driver services from about starting from USD$35 for a entire sum hours of day – it would be recommended to tip the driver at the ensue less of the hours of daylight.

Mobile Phones and Wifi

Your own phone will probably be dexterous to global roam upon Indonesian networks, but it can be definitely expensive to make and arrangement on calls. The best business to realize is gain a local prepay sim card (taking into consideration SimPati or 3) and pop it in your phone – you will subsequently enjoy the low local rates. iPhones and Blackberry produce an effect but you’ll have to get a SIM card that has internet data. It’s easier to pin to the release wifi neighboring to at many cafes and bars.

Electricity plugs

In Indonesia they use 220V, 50 Cycle and the plugs are dual round prongs of the European variety. Adapters are possible at some hotels OR can be purchased at Matahari’s ( supermarket ) for coarsely 35,000 Rp.

Tipping is fine karma

Tipping There will sometimes be a dispel court case tacked onto your restaurant marginal note. It is not compulsory, but it is pleasurable practice to tip your hotel porters, masseuses, maids and any add-on staff during your stay. It doesn’t have to be much – but you will ensure you will be looked after, and it would be greatly appreciated by the staff who on your own earn the equivalent of a few dollars a daylight.

Other Stuff

Sunscreen and moisturizer is expensive for some excuse in Bali, bring your favorites from residence. Condoms in Indonesia are not the best atmosphere, it’d be safer and wiser to bring some of your own. Imodium (diarrhea medication) is worth keeping when than you, you can get your hands on them at any pharmacy (called apotik in Indonesian) in prosecution of the infamous “bali front”.

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