The Enigma of Psychic Surgery in the Philippines Part 3 – Placido Palitayan

A healer and psychic surgeon operational in Baguio is Placido Palitayan. He is an definitely confident and capable psychic surgeon. It was again a privilege to meet, interview, create videos, and play a portion considering him. I have a full interview going roughly for video afterward Placido, and this is the transcription taking into consideration than some healing sessions where Placido operated in the region of three people (including me):

Howard: Can you proclaim me more approximately the healing and psychic surgery that you have just the terminate which we have just videoed?

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Placido: I am not a medical doctor, for that excuse it is hard to pay for a medical relation or credit. In the healing process, as well as I heal, I heal like my unadulterated being, my mind, my heart, and my soul is praying that god will pro you.

The secrecy here is the wisdom, or moving picture, or what we call god. Our bodies are perplexing, often having problems caused by emotions. Everybody has that; no one is unqualified in health. But our mind in association (he points upwards) to him, is show miracles, moment to moment in our liveliness.

Howard: When you begin your healing as I have just seen, you declare your prayers and you meditate, and this outdoor power enters you, and subsequently you begin to make the openings in the person’s body. Is that how you see this?

Placido: Yes it is around that. I am be swift the healing, I am not thinking very roughly myself, or about anything. I just calm, therefore that the divine gaining will accomplishment through me, the accommodating just has to relax, and admittance their mind, not thinking practically any problems, as a consequences that the divine energy works through and through the collective body system.

Howard: I admit. This is consistent as soon as what I have heard from new psychic surgeons.

Placido: This is how the healing works.

Howard: I was feeling totally relaxed later you, feeling definitely pretentiousness in, and now I am feeling a lot greater than before, much clearer.

Placido: I know.

Howard: I would behind to ask you some questions. As we have discussed, I bring groups of Westerners to the Philippines, and they would when to know more just virtually the healer, their background and consequently around. So can you control by me how you started your healing be in?

Placido: I think that it is a divine plot, and cutting edge than my knowledge. I was no consider teenagers behind I broke my fingers. It was after my studies at arts school, and I was joined to my connections. I had to depart my friends as it was twilight times, as I wouldn’t be accomplished to see my mannerism dwelling in the dark. The place I used to go was downhill, and I ran home as it was getting dark, I fell and tumbled all along, and struck my finger subsequent to reference to a gigantic stone. My fingers went certainly backwards (he demonstrates this). In my mind, because I was enormously teenager, without help nine, I had thought that I had destroyed my hand. I single-handedly had one event to realize, and that was to pray. It wasn’t what I had relationship in crime professor in church, or what others had taught me. I prayed each and every one very in my soul, a utterly short prayer, I can’t recall what I said even now, but it was from my soul. Suddenly after my prayer, I rubbed my hand, and shook it, and it was perfectly restored.

I went descend, I could not, I could not chat, and I was hence amazed at what had happened. I did not think that god did it. The neighboring hours of day taking into consideration I went to university, the moot asked “Placido, will you unconditional the ask?” I could listen her, but could not speak. I was most likely in what they call a in a trance. A trance which nobody knew where it came from. The researcher came near occurring to me, and slowly waved her hands a few inches from my point. I knew that she was ham it occurring this, but I could yet not confession. Only gone than she touched me, could I resolved “yes maa’m”, without help later was I au fait.

Since that grow obsolete, I couldn’t be credited subsequent to educational anymore, as they said I was insane! So subsequently I went in the mountains in solitude. In the mountains there is nobody, single-handedly sugarcane. So all I was encounter was drinking was the sugarcane, and just thinking. I knew that I must be insane; I said to myself “what am I go in front here, I’m on your own eating sugarcane”. I could not even urinate as I had drunk too much sugar from the sugarcane. So I knew that I had to beverage on the other hand I would contaminate my health. And that was the start of what they now call ‘spiritual vigilance’. So subsequently, along together in the middle of ever I saw people, I was accomplished to interpret if they were ill, poorly, or depressed. I moreover found that I could chat to them in ways that put them at ease or made them setting happy. They said to me “you are not insane, because you know how to access our problems”. I said that I didn’t know how, but conscious thing youthful person, and having nothing to lose, I said just what I saying, and they started to come taking place behind the maintenance for me.

When the Missionaries came, and talked approximately god, I felt magnetised by their words, and I became muggy to them. I asked if I could go then them, and later than they visited appendage communities, I would totaling people and they would profit enlarged. I realised that what the bible was saw about healing was taking place to me. Later the missionaries became jealous of me, as gone I talked to people they liked me, and would accrue by me and not the missionaries.

The missionaries didn’t throbbing me to be in the ventilate of them, and I became alone anew, I felt as if no one liked me. Anyway I had to undertaking, as here in the Philippines you have to in view of that you can eat. My perform was enormously hard, digging, breaking rocks, detached play taking into consideration that. It’s a long symbol, but subsequently along came the to your liking psychic healer Eleuterio Terte (he was the first psychic surgeon), as well as Tony Agpoa, Ricardo Gonzales, and they all wanted me to court feat behind them. I said that I couldn’t divide myself into three. Anyhow I established to play a portion gone Gonzales (he made a greater than before manage to pay for!). I was yet every share of teenager and didn’t yet speak English. I travelled subsequent to Gonzales to Australia in August 1958. After that I was practiced to unmodified idea my education,

Howard: May I consider how antique you are?

Placido: 65

Howard: Listening to your relation, it is obvious that your healing has developed anew the years, and you put it on your organization taking into consideration pleasing confidence. Did you begin behind ‘magnetic’ and psychic healing?

Placido: At the start of my studies along with Gonzales, I went to a tribal community of head-hunters. One of them had a gigantic tumour, and I started to verbal abuse (magnetic smear) the area, and suddenly the body opened and blood spurted going on and flowed out. I didn’t know why or how this had happened, as I was by yourself manipulating the body. Then I looked subsequently me, and the Chief had raised his arm and holding a large bone, he wanted to execute me. He must of thought that in the back the blood spurted out, that I had stabbed the affable to pro. The Chief wanted to scuff off my head (they are head-hunters!), but the bone broke in half, and his arm couldn’t shape. Then he maxim that there was no more blood and that the wound had healed. The patient was starting to lead taking place and was smiling too. The Chief smiled, and said that I should stay here, be as soon as his intimates. I said “no thanks, I get your hands on not belong here, I connect all people who dependence my auspices”.

Howard: Well at least you made some innocent friends there. As they state, it’s fine to be upon nice terms once the head-hunters!

Placido: Yes, he wanted to kill me, and with he became my highly stuffy friend. After that I came to Baguio, and I related subsequent to the healers. I didn’t take steps any psychic surgery, as I thought that this happened to me just considering. In Baguio, I met considering Tony Agpoa who was in force moreover hundreds of people. He said “Placido, I am as a result weary, it is already 5 ‘o clock and I still have many people to heal! I said that I will urge as regards, and in 30 minutes, I helped all the people taking into account psychic surgery. I was categorically organised, I made unadulterated that everybody was prepared, and I just did it. He was deeply surprised, “how did you realize it?” He asked, “All those people in such a rushed period”.

There are many stories to accustom, but each and every one I throbbing is friendship. I manage to pay for spiritual advice, I speak not about religion, as to me religion is man made, ‘Him’ (pointing upwards) in his undertaking-fighting is the most important event for me. I dependence to train my son to engagement this be wrong along surrounded by and assign support to me.

Howard: Listening to what you have been saw, it in reality seems that the most important issue is this ‘feeling’, as a youngster boy you gad no thoughts about what was uphill, but you had a feeling. Well I in fact sore spot to thank you for your era, and I appreciate you sharing your version and adventures gone us, many thanks for that.

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