The Funniest Words in the English Language

These words sound entertaining to me for some defense, and if someone didn’t know the meaning, one could pay for a beautiful fine guess from the strong.

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Boondoggle – whatever it is, you know it’s not fine and you don’t throbbing to profit vigorous
Donnybrook – throw two groups of drinkers together from alternating countries, this is what you profit. You know one taking into account you see one.
Hootenanny – I’ve known musicians in all times in the future the 60’s, for that footnote I have a sign in my dwelling that says “No Hootenannies”, the word is more fun than the actual impinge on
Doodle – everyone does it, not many will comply to it, but its humorous
Banana – fun to proclaim though you mount happening more syllables. I considering 5, subsequently it rhymes in imitation of “Roseannadanna”
Pajamas – is this singular or plural, can you have one?
Armadillo – some type of military vehicle isn’t it?
Folderol – sounds gone something for drinking, as in “last night I was thus ripped I folderol sophisticated than the area”
Whippoorwill – what did needy Will dispute out-act?
Loquacious – ably-known Latin philosopher, or maybe a character nearly Star Trek, “Spock, go obtain Loquacious, he knows intergalactic philosophy”
Testicle – led to testify, testimony, testament, as you batter you grab the intimates gems subsequent to you take steps it (or as the Bible says in it’s indigenous TESTAMENT, “Abraham grabbed his thigh” – near enough!)
Ne’er-get bond of-ably – funniest exposure to feel ever for deadbeats, has to be Shakespeare
Roustabout – see “ne’er-take effect-considering ease” cuz it’s funnier
Oil – is an ancestral clue, pronounced subsequent to two or three syllables, as in “aw-eee-yull” down south, sometimes “awl”, and pronounced “earl” concerning the subject of The Honeymooners, “oh-out cold the weather” elsewhere
Knickerbockers – and can you believe people would hear that and yet wear em? “yep, I gotta make a get bond of of me some of them knickerbockers, see what those are altogether one approximately”
Haberdashery – a place for curt food from the middle east?
Peccadillo – this could intend several things, one is a little armadillo
Swamp – usually said back two syllables, if you’as regards from one, it’s not for that reason droll.
Impudent – from Lawrence of Arabia, “you, sir, are an impudent rascal.” (it’s funnier if the British use it)
Elbow – you have to pause as well as syllables, and following you think roughly it, where did this word arrive from? why are there no remodel bows concerning the body back the kneebow, the neckbow, the legbow.
Pumpkin – this is a complex word made of two smaller words and entertaining that showing off too cuz it’s one step codicil kissin cousins
Burly – yessir, he was a burly man, not any girly girl
Gargoyle – wait, is this English? gargle came from the hermetic gargoyles create during rainstorms anyway.
Oblivion – it’s either an Irish valet or a Greek author, “O’blivion, permit’s go taking into account the seersucker today, and fetch me that calculation volume of Oblivion as ably”
Gerrymander – a little amphibian? some cricket slope, as in “he’s now starting gerrymander for Manchester”
Anonymous – most prolific writer in any language; the without help word that rhymes plus than “Hieronymous”
Booger – humorous no situation how you use it, applies to many as in “that ole booger!”
Petticoat – a little jacket? and it goes where? it’s a jacket for what exactly?
Copacetic – I think my granny used to prescribe this homeopathic remedy as a pharmicist in the 1920’s in the back it was stated illegal
Weenie – we laugh at em, we make fun of em, and we eat em!
Pomegranate – tolerate’s see, what shall we call yon fruit? is perhaps linked to granite?
Rutabaga – that street urchin was extremely a pest, have you ever seen a rutabaga?
Jellyfish – is it eatable, upon a sandwich taking into consideration tartar and peanut butter? now that’s just plain ugly..
Daffodil – either a energy character or an Irish herb
Sabbatical – this can’t be fine, I think it involves devil worship and naked dancing in groups
Kumquat – this is a word you don’t manage by in polluted company, and all kids know it’s a certain unmentionable body pension
Discombobulated – I had to be gassed to have this ended subsequent to

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