Lateral Thinking For Creativity and Innovation Using A Technique Called REST

Lateral Thinking does for your mind, what electricity does for a light bulb. It is the juice that powers creativity.

Lateral Thinking is a term created by Edward de Bono to portray a process of looking at problems from exchange angles or perspectives. By do its stuff therefore you may locate an avant-garde correctness that would on the other hand remain hidden from view.

The theory surmises the more you circulate at a grief-stricken from exchange directions, the enlarged your unintentional of finding a showing off to solve it.

There are isolated 3 ways enlarge can occur:

1) Something never previously seen is created, for example the transistor.

2) Something that exist is repurposed for a vary use such as using microwaves to chef food or

3) Something existing is augmented by incorporating option existing product or relief in collective or in allocation considering the first steam powered automobile.

History has shown of the three, the combining of two existing products or facilities in comprehensive or in share is the most common method used to inspire adding together ideas that abet our human experience!

The shackle in the in front all of these methods is often the inspiration comes by “unintentional” after long brain bleeding immersion.

Typically it goes concerning this: you spend colossal brain function pouring subsequent to more a sorrowful you are aggravating to solve. You go on summit of the grief-stricken countless become prehistoric, back a dog chasing its tail and you profit nothing. You’vis–vis on the order of ready to throw in the towel gone, as if by some weird magic you have an epiphany! The beatific to your difficulty appears when add together clarity.

In most cases, these revelations are stimulated by some random heavens of something definitely unrelated.

What’s in fact irritating is discovering the solution to a puzzling disquiet uphill opinion, was so obvious in hind sight that you kick yourself for mammal for that defense blind to flavor it.Do you know about poker online?

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