AOL Texas Hold Em Poker – Is AOL Texas Hold EM Poker Any Good And Are There Better Games Out There?

You would expect AOL Texas Hold Em poker to be quite a popular platform for poker. The excuse swine past the game is share of a giant internet services and media company you would expect it to have a massive following.

At it’s peak AOL had beyond 30 million subscribers. One would expect when those numbers that it’s poker game would have hundreds of thousands of players.

That unfortunately isn’t the conflict. AOL Texas Hold Em poker did not make an impact upon the game. I will rule by why in a minute but first I will run by what it is all just about.

AOL is domicile to one of the world’s largest online communities. You would expect this to be a natural house for an online poker game. As a result of the large community they did make poker rooms for their members and it is available to con.

You have the irregular to operate no limit or limit Texas Hold Em. You can play in either the single or multi performer savings account. They have low stakes, high stakes and super high stakes. They even have their own tournaments. Do you know about JOKER123?

In theory you would expect this to be enormously popular. However, that is far afield afield from the conflict. The disquiet is intensely few players participate. For example, at the time of writing this article there are unaided 72 players taking share in the Limit room and 1,4370 in the No Limit room. Even the latter number is not impressive.

The defense beast is it gets overshadowed by Bebo Texas Hold Em and Facebook Texas Hold Em. Both of these social networks have millions of players taking part in their poker rooms. And at any good epoch you got hundreds of thousands if not again a million players taking share. This makes AOL see subsequent to peanuts.

One of the reasons the social networks attract more players is because more people are joined to the social networks. The days of AOL are outnumbered. People no longer participate in this online community and have opted to be a portion of Facebook on the other hand.

Another defense for it’s minuscule expertise is because some people proclamation the game is not reachable. A few players allegation cheating is occurring. For example, one common claim is they would have scores of poor hands which is not mathematically realizable in poker. It doesn’t seem to reflect reality.

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