History of Hemp Clothing

Cannabis is unique in that it can produce both a narcotic and an every long and mighty fiber, all from the same forest. It was these two traits coupled when Cannabis’ amenability to domestication which led to its utterly into the future make known in human records.

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During the Neolithic period vis–vis 10,000 years ago, before humans began developing agriculture as a means of securing food supply. Given that Cannabis or hemp is a coloniser it is quite likely that human’s first right to use once this forest occurred on that time. Because hemp is a coloniser it prefers to involve into areas of fertile soil that is floating of competition. This type of quality would by yourself occur in flora and fauna during a era of calamity such as a flood or blaze. But together in the midst of Neolithic humans began clearing on fire for agriculture, it is very likely that Cannabis began spreading into these entre fields initially as a weed and higher as an actively cultured reforest.

It is generally the entire that domestication of hemp began in Asia. Exactly where in Asia is not known although the primordial known occurrence of hemp agriculture took place in China’s Yellow River valley concerning 6,500 years ago.The Neolithic peoples of this valley, known as the Yangshao actively grew Cannabis and used its fibers to produce nets, ropes and hemp clothing.

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