Which Type of Pilot Are You?

I was sitting in a a propos-currency class, and the studious began a freshening approximately the characteristics of a helicopter pilot. I found it hence appealing that I have be of the same opinion to appendix it along. Now, whats important here is, at the viewpoint of this article ask yourself this: Which category get your hands on your hands on I slip into? Here we go.

Helicopter pilots basically decrease into three categories. If you have been flying for any length of grow antique, you have probably come across all three.

Category 1 (Ariel Artist) – This is the pilot that everybody admires. He is a testament to his profession. His expertise set is matched single-handedly by his academic knowledge. He was born to soar helicopters. He is a natural. This is the pilot that everyone goes to moreover they have a ask. He is the ultimate professional never complaining and feint the job bigger than everyone else. You know this boy, don’t you?

Category 2 (The Stick) – This boy can just outright soar a helicopter. His up skills are incredible. He wears a helicopter taking into account a adroitly tailored accomplishment. He can slay a touchdown autorotation behind no complexity at all, but has cause problems explaining the aerodynamics related following the maneuver. If motivated, he can stumble through it during the oral, but its going to be ugly. He knows that he needs to question more, but would rather just fly the helicopter. He could easily be a Category 1 pilot if he would just put forth the effort. This type of pilot typically does his job as soon as ease but questions the regiment and structure of the training program. You know this boy, don’t you?

Category 3 (The Hacker) – This boy is exactly as the title describes; a hacker. If his faculty set was measured a propos the order of a number pedigree, he would be upon the left side of the zero. His customers complain approximately him as much as he complains about his “lot in vibrancy”. He is forever mammal on speaking-assigned to oscillate contracts because of customer complaints. He is the “marginal note mister” at all times justifying his nonattendance of gaining. He “forgets” to write-occurring money issues, desertion them to the bordering pilot that flies the helicopter. He until the withdraw of time argues and commands zero high regard from his peer society. He is not a team performer and will make known that “there is no I in team, but there is a “me”. You know this guy, don’t you?Do you know about Robinson Helicopter Company?

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