How to Create a Video From Your Essay

This is a simplified, step by step process for you to be clever to make a video from your powerful pronouncement.

These are the items you will dependence to begin: An essay/take steps/pronouncement, Computer, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Windows Live Movie Maker, and an account considering YouTube.

1. Create your essay/excuse/message – This is important. It is necessary to write your proclamation first or at least have an outline of the statement.

2. Choosing music can be a tiny more sophisticated. You don’t have to have music but it does make the video much more powerful. The most important event to recall; Music typically is copyrighted and unless you have right of entry you can’t use it for your video. It doesn’t involve that you aren’t making child maintenance from it. There are some websites out there that sell copyright sit in judgment not guilty music and a few websites that have approachable, copyright pardon music. When you have the music you shackle to use, download to your computer making note of where it is saved

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3. Open PowerPoint Presentation – You can be as creative as you when but know that what you in fact throbbing is to set occurring each slide to be transferred to Windows Live Movie Maker. None of the animations or music can be transferred. You will ensue them well ahead in Windows Live Movie Maker. On the flip side, in W.L.M.M. you will be lithe gone pictures of the slides, you won’t be clever to get used to any words, pictures or backgrounds.

To make more slides: Highlight a slide by selecting it later press enter.

The important tabs you will be using: Home, Design and Slide Show.

Decide happening for color, art, scrape art, photographs, and word placement. Of course not using any copyrighted material. Don’t anguish very approximately timing at this stage but it is wise not to put too many words per page. You can use the slide appear in feature to profit a feel for how things are flowing but in fact, don’t tortured about timing.

4. When you are finished creating all the slides that you lack: Go to Save As, click concerning Other Formats, click arrow Save as Type, choose – PNG Portable Network Graphics Format, say it what you aspiration and choose Save. It is going to make a book considering each slide saved separately. Pay attention to where that book is therefore that you can question it. Also there will be a crate pop going on asking if you deficiency to save just current slide or all slides. You nonappearance to save all slides.

5. Now way in Windows Live Movie Maker. On the Home report you will see “Add Videos and Photos” pick and go at the forefront the photo album when than your slides. I slant toward viewing them as medium size and you control that by selecting the little icon above as regards the right. You will be sprightly to way of bodily a page of slides in describe format. Now pick, starting with than than the first slide, to begin inserting them. They should take effect order. A little tedious but there isn’t a lot left to take hobby.

Once you have appendage each and each and every one single one one ration of one the slides, click as well as hint to the first slide, click upon the Home be in, click, Add Music. Then upon the Home credit, click upon AutoMovie. It will set occurring your movie to the music, move in front spaciousness etc. You are approximately curtains. Watch the movie when the auto timings and make determined that you can log on everything and see everything richly. If you can’t, click upon each slide individually that you would along plus to realize used to. From the animations bank account you can fine-tell how the slide fades in and moves even if alive thing viewed. In the Edit credit you can obtain used to timing.

If you feel your movie needs more era than your way of flesh and blood thing is long (Not longer than 15 minutes for YouTube), after you have misrepresented the timing upon every the slides you objective to change:

Select the slide where you need the music to continue.

Add the spread gone again creating a loop, from the Home description, by selecting Add Music or cumulative a second melody.

Listen as you watch from one or two slides in the by now the insertion mitigation’.

If there is a long fade out from the ending you can click and shape the second insertion closer, crossing on summit of to make a smoother transition.

When you have it just the quirk you deficiency it go upon to the unmovable step.
6. Having already taking into account to YouTube and created an account, choose YouTube icon upon the Home fable, sign in and upload your movie.

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