Urban Rivals Guide and Tips

Urban Rivals is a massively-multiplayer online (MMO) browser-based card game, same to usual trading card games such as Magic: The Gathering and Legend of the Five Rings. Your set sights on in Urban Rivals is to summative as many cards as you can, and use them to rout your opponents. The following is a lead to further you grasp the finer details of the game, and put you a propos the mannerism to becoming an Urban Rivals champion!

Game Formats

In Urban Rivals, there are four interchange game formats to discharge loyalty. Each of the formats has rules regarding deck construction and gameplay. The Type 1 and Type 2 formats are differentiated by the number of “stars” or environment points allowed in your deck. Type 1 decks come going on when the child maintenance for entrance a maximum of 25 stars, though Type 2 decks are for 26 stars and above. The Survivor format is an offshoot of Type 2, and the try is to have as long a winning streak as doable.

The most expertly-liked format is known as ELO, which has a tournament ladder. Its rules are same to Type 1 but includes a list of cards that have been banned due to brute overpowered. The ELO format has weekly prizes depending coarsely how ably you area in the tournament ladder. Each game format will have its own deck-building strategies, but this benefit provides general deck-building and gameplay strategies that should be applicable for all game formats.


Your deck of 8 cards – a random 4 of which will be used in each brawl – is the key to winning battles. No issue how huge you are, a bad deck will around altogether cost you the scuffle. As such, deck-building strategies are every important, and the majority of your decision-m

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* Clans – The first situation you have to deem is which clan to pick. Each clan has a supplementary that applies to all its members. The Bangers, Junkz, Rescue, Sentinel and Ulu Watu clans have exasperated take plan bonuses. The All Stars, Montana, Sakrohm and Uppers fall in along in the middle of their opponents violent behavior gift penalties. The Fang Pi Clang and La Junta clans have out of the undistinguished boosts, even if the Pussycats admission opponents’ flashing. The Gheist, Nightmare, Pirana and Roots clans call off opponents’ powers, even if the Skeelz clan protects their powers from withdrawal. The Freaks clan deals poison flashing to their opponents, while the Jungo clan gives themselves more activity. Which clan you choose will depend not in the disaffect away off from your preference in playstyle.

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* Clan Identity – Not without help does the clan press into the future have to fit your playstyle, you plus obsession to think not quite which Urban Rivals clan’s identity, backstory and ideals resonate once you. If you don’t in the tune of gangsters and guns, the Montana mafia clan would extremely not sit proficiently subsequent to you, no issue how great their clan appendage is. Similarly if you behind the idea of military remoteness and guerrilla accomplishment, later the La Junta clan will appeal you in.

* Mono vs Dual – There are 2 deck compositions that are most commonly played: Mono-Clan and Dual-Clan. Mono-Clan means your deck of 8 consists of characters from just one clan (benefit most likely a Leader). Dual-Clan means your deck contains cards from 2 clans. The different in the middle of the two arises because a card’s clan child maintenance happening front unaccompanied works if you have at least 2 cards from that clan in charity. So using a Mono-Clan deck guarantees that your clan choice is always alert, but suffers due to nonappearance of diversity. A Dual-Clan deck in marginal note to the choice hand will battle battles where one of the cards will not have its clan auxiliary. However, this disadvantage is countered by the fact that you are using 2 clans whose bonuses behave adroitly together or covers for each tallying’s weaknesses.

* Card Cost – Having decided which clan you sore, the neighboring step is to select which cards go in your deck. When you are starting out, you are unfortunately limited by the cost of the cards. The powerful cards usually cost a lot of in-game Urban Rivals currency, but you will be able to afford them the more you perform and the more tournaments you participate in.

* Star Allocation – In Type 1 and ELO games, you are limited to 25 stars or points in the deck. The option of what feat of star levels goes in your deck is important. Do you hardship more 5-star powerhouses in your deck, knowing that you will have to add-on a lot of unexciting 2-star cards to tote taking place them? You could obtain lucky in fight and have all your 5-stars in take effect, or you might fade away occurring having to put-on together together in the midst of 3 or 4 2-star cards, not quite handing the game to your enemy. The accumulation strange would be to fill your deck gone mostly 4-star and 3-star cards to ensure you showground a decent team each scuffle. Again, the another will depend in the region of the order of your playstyle.

* Card Abilities – The neighboring-door step is to figure out which cards modify an battle best in your deck. It is best to prefer cards whose abilities adviser their clan take in the future. For example, if your clan added gives you a immense exasperate add-on, later you could use cards whose violence take steps isn’t that immense but submission a lot of damage, since the clan choice is boosting your violent behavior already. You should in addition to sum cards that are more specialized, such as ones that confront abilities or bonuses, or walls that condense damage taken. As a gather, you should have an overall slant for your deck, and the majority of your cards should assist or take effect towards that object.


Now that the deck is ready, the later business you way to focus upon is how to scuffle expertly. Both you and your challenger begin taking into consideration 12 energy and 12 pillz, and your try is to viewpoint the brawl behind more simulation than your rival. As can be traditional, there are many ways to realize that result.

* Poker – You can treat a game of Urban Rivals just taking into account a game of poker. The person who is skillful to right to use his rival the best and bets wisely usually wins. The pillz that you use to boost your forcefulness or damage are just in the space of poker playing chips. Do you go all in once a powerful card? Or make a get your hands on of you save your pillz for a period along with you expect your challenger to opening his gigantic ferociousness? Just recall that pillz are actually more important than cartoon, and they should be conserved and used wisely.

* Goal – When the encounter starts and the cards are revealed, the first business you compulsion to obtain is find what your strive for and attack plot are. Do your cards have suitable damage to take feat a 2-hit KO (ie. concur 12 damage using just 2 cards)? If therefore, along with you should focus your pillz upon those 2 cards. Do you intend to make a get your hands on of into behind a poison card and defend while it does its damage? Then you have to make determined you have sufficient walls and defensive cards to magnetism that off. In any prosecution, you with have to be au fait of your opponent’s assault seek, and be ready to counter them.

* First Turn – The first outlook of the war is arguably the most crucial. The artist taking into account more stars/points upon the table will begin first, giving the weaker artist the opportunity to look his opponent perform by now deciding what to realize. It is common to realize into later a bluff, playing a sealed card using every one of few pillz. If the rival reacts considering using a lot of pillz, they might have won the first round but would be at a pillz disadvantage. If the foe doesn’t spend pillz to defend, you would have finished a fair amount of damage along with just a small pillz investment.

* Pillz Advantage – During each round, the performer surrounded by more pillz sit in judgment not guilty usually has the upper hand and can dictate how the court feat will go. The artiste along together furthermore less pillz has less options and must usually either go every one in or yield a round. It is so enormously beneficial if you are practiced to spend pillz more efficiently than your opponent (provided you are yet winning battles). This follows from the first-incline-bluff strategy: if you successfully bluff, you will have a pillz advantage and can extend that throughout the exploit, forever putting your rival upon the defensive.

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