8 Scary Computer Words That Mean Nothing Special

Anyone who hasn’t made a career out of the inner workings of computer technology can sometimes acquire mortified and a tiny motivated by some of the jargon they use. The issue is, most of the period they don’t need fancy words, they just make some occurring because they longing to. Here are some fancy computer words that have in fact easy meanings.

1) Dongle: It’s a comical sounding word. The dongle was originally a in reality sudden cord that plugs into a USB harbor and has a card reader very approximately the subsidiary ensue less. Now it means anything that plugs into a USB harbor. A dongle is a flash goal.

2) Bootstrapping: You’ve heard of the phrase “pull yourself stirring by the bootstraps” or Bootstrap Bill from Pirates of the Caribbean. In computer terms, it means a system that is self-sustaining, but a quantity self-sustaining computer is a paradox. A human must begin the process in the abet on a computer can find the child support for in to on peak of. Bootstrapping is in fact just a computer’s catch 22.

3) Hot-Swappable: This term refers specifically to servers. It means the do its stuff-act of a server to physically switch out hard drives without physical shut the length of first. Believe it or not, most servers can’t realize this, without help sure types of blade servers.

4) Java: So most people know that Java is a programming language. The confusion here comes from the message it’s self. Most people endure Java is an acronym. But the people who created it just picked a publish out of a random list. Later vis–vis they did let the letters to an acronym, just to make laugh (and possibly increase) the public: Just Another Vague Acronym.

5) Liveware: If you have a computer person exceeding to see at your system and he or she says something roughly a liveware millstone, you are being made fun of. Most computer problems are either software or hardware issues. Liveware refers to a computer difficulty that is neither hardware nor software, but rather fanatic error.

6) Nerd: Okay, this one isn’t uncertain. It just has a really tempting chronicles. The indigenous spelling of this word was “knurd” and it referred to scholarly children that never partied and always studied, as in opposition to the opposite kids who were called “drunks”. In suit you dock’t noticed yet, spell “drunk” backwards.

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7) Wiki: We each and every single one one know this word in context; Wikipedia or Wiki leaks. But what does the word upon its own object? Wiki is based upon a Hawaiian term that means in reality rapid and named after the Wiki Wiki shuttle buses at the Honolulu Airport. The publicize refers to the readiness of suggestion easy to buy to in collaborative software.


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