10 Best Chick Flicks for a Sexy Movie Night

Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you’ve already got a Valentine, or you’re nevertheless searching for one, this list of the best chick flicks will come in within make a get of at some take hope.

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In all attachment, you’around bound to have those lazy and gratifying movie nights from epoch to times. The single-handedly living is, of course, agreeing upon a movie that you both will back.

Staying away from the stereotypical “shoot ’em going on” and “tearjerker” extremes and finding a influence of the two is key. There are actually quite a few movies that both men and women adequately enjoy and consistently list upon their favorites lists.

Top 5 Chick Flicks that Guys Like

“In Her Shoes” (Includes a close dose of a scantily-clad Cameron Diaz throughout.)
“When Harry Met Sally…” (It’s actually a pretty saintly movie, and Billy Crystal as a leading man in a tender film gives you plan.)
“Love Actually” (Keira Knightley. If you compulsion more purpose, there’s with several nude scenes of count women.)
“Lost in Translation” (Scarlett Johansson in all of her curvaceous (albeit clothed) glory.)
“Jerry Maguire” (Though shrouded in romanticism and high emotions, it’s yet nearly a sports agent!)
Top 5 Guy Movies that Girls Like

“High Fidelity” (She’ll appreciate the underlying report nearly learning to esteem.)
“Bull Durham” (She’ll appreciate the jock putting his woman by now sports.)
“Swingers” (She’ll appreciate the notice that sometimes the demonstrative guy in reality does acquire the girl.) li>
“Alien” (She’ll appreciate the leading woman kicking some gigantic alien butt and demonstrating female independence.)
“Top Gun” (She’ll appreciate Tom Cruise in his pre-Scientology glory.)
Pick out one or all of these unisexual best chick flicks, and the two of you may fade away happening making a special movie of your own (or, at least, acting out one of the steamy praise scenes, minus every camera crew and director commentary).

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